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CATaclysm: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook

CATaclysm: The Roleplaying Game Core RulebookPublisher: Akinji Entertainment

Da humanz iz ded. No moar fud for us. No moar scratchez for us. No moar protecshun frum teh outsides for us. We haz taken teh earth...

Catain Galileo Furwhisker.

Defend the realm of cats from the evil rat hordes and cruel toads that threaten their world. The time of humans has passed and our beloved feline friends have inherited the earth. They roam the land searching for ancient human relics and Meowgic. Choose your cat. Choose your weapon. And fight for honour, glory, and your ball of yarn.

CATaclysm places the world in the capable paws of our favourite furballs in this easy to learn tabletop roleplaying game. Akinji Entertainment brings a game that is sure to be enjoyed by both cat lovers and roleplaying enthusiasts alike. CATaclysm is purrfect for players of all levels, and whether you are new to RPGs or a seasoned veteran, you will enjoy the witty play and the fresh take on dice-adventure games. Using a simple no fuss mechanic, CATaclysm uses a streamlined ruleset that can be learned and played within a short amount of time. This game makes use of a brand new RPG system that uses a single ten-sided die in conjunction with a cutting-edge new life-management system. Whether you are coughing up fireballs or swinging your cat-o-nine-tails, you will love this fun and action-oriented RPG.

The PDF version comes with a fully-bookmarked copy of the Core Rulebook, which includes everything you need to start your epic CATaclysm campaign with your clowder. The Core Rulebook also includes a sample scenario "The Despot of Dark Pond" to get you right into the action.

What you will need:

-At least one ten-sided die

-CATaclysm Character Sheets (coming soon)

Price: $19.99

Starter do 7. Edycji Zew Cthulhu PL

Starter do 7. Edycji Zew Cthulhu PLPublisher: Black Monk Games


Wielcy Przedwieczni rządzili eony przed pojawieniem się człowieka. Przybyli z kosmosu i zostali wyparci przez potężniejsze istoty. Pozostałości ich miast i zakazanej wiedzy można odnaleźć na wyspach Pacyfiku, pośród ruchomych piasków pustyń oraz na biegunach. Wielcy Przedwieczni śpią – jedni pod powierzchnią ziemi, inni na dnie oceanu w mieście R’lyeh istniejącym dzięki zaklęciom wielkiego Cthulhu. Kiedy gwiazdy osiągną właściwą pozycję, powstaną, by ponownie władać ziemią.

Witajcie w Starterze do 7. edycji Zewu Chtulhu! Zawiera on zbiór podstawowych zasad potrzebnych do rozpoczęcia przygody z grami fabularnymi. Jeden z graczy wciela się w rolę Strażnika Tajemnic, narratora opowiadającego historię, który odgrywa także postaci spotykane przez graczy. Reszta uczestników gry to Badacze Tajemnic, rozwiązujący zagadki bohaterowie z przypadku, którzy próbują powstrzymać mroczne siły przed przejęciem kontroli nad naszym światem. Starter zawiera przygodę dla początkujacych Strażników i Badaczy pt. Nawiedzony Dom. 

System Zew Cthulhu zawsze charakteryzował się intuicyjną i łatwą do opanowania mechaniką gry. Prawie każdy test sprowadza się do rzutu kośćmi procentowymi. To proste rozwiązanie jest przystępne dla początkujących graczy oraz satysfakcjonujące dla tych bardziej doświadczonych. Skorzystaj ze Startera i postaw pierwszy krok na drodze do poznania 7. edycji Zewu Cthulhu - jednej z najstarszych i najbardziej cenionych gier fabularnych w historii.

Polish edition licensed from CHAOSIUM Inc by Black Monk Games. Call of Cthulhu is the Registered. Trademark of Chaosium Inc., and is used with their permission. www.chaosium.com

Price: $2.99

Karta Badacza standard Zew Cthulhu PL

Karta Badacza standard Zew Cthulhu PLPublisher: Black Monk Games

Podstawowa, standardowa karta Badacza (postaci) do polskiej edycji Zewu Cthulhu RPG.

Price: $0.00

La vía de las pukona

La vía de las pukonaPublisher: Evil Hat Productions, LLC

La Tierra mantiene a la gente y nosotras protegemos la Tierra.
¡Bienvenida a las pukona!

Mucho antes de que los conquistadores españoles invadieran su país, e incluso antes de que los Ingka norteños intentaran subyugarles, los Mapuche —la «Gente de la Tierra»— prosperaban. Siempre han vivido en el Mapu, donde lo natural y lo preternatural coexisten. La gente Mapuche confía en las pukona, jóvenes guerreras que son sabias acerca de los caminos del mundo y lo suficientemente fuertes, para que enfrenten a peligros más allá del entendimiento humano.

Lucha contra amenazas visibles e invisibles en La vía de las pukona, un Mundo de Aventuras para Fate escrito por Felipe Real.

Necesitas una copia de Fate Acelerado para poder jugar La vía de las pukona. Este suplemento de 49 páginas incluye:

  • Un mundo de fantasía único ambientado en la Sudamérica Neolítica, basado en referentes reales investigados extensamente por su autor.

  • Sugerencias y mecánicas diseñadas para crear personajes pertenecientes a una comunidad unida en Fate.

  • Estilos categorizados que combinan los métodos y motivaciones de los personajes, con relaciones recíprocas entre pares de estilos emparejados.

  • Un sistema de avance alternativo para personajes y una guía para el final del juego de cada personaje.

  • Una aventura de muestra: La maldición que llegó a Kellüpülli.

La línea de Mundos de Aventuras Fate proporciona escenarios compactos, ricos, asequibles y maravillosos con una aventura lista para usarse para DJs en apuros. Compra uno esta mañana y estarás listo para dirigirlo esta tarde.

Price: $4.00

Krwawe Piaski - Ziggurat Wikingów

Krwawe Piaski - Ziggurat WikingówPublisher: Skavenloft

Ziggurat Wikingów to lokacja, którą mogą odwiedzić bohaterowie graczy w czasie eksploracji uniwersum Krwawych Piasków. Przypisane są do niej unikalne zasady oraz zupełnie nowe, niebezpieczne potwory (od grobowego szczura, przez faraona wikingów aż po zniewolonego smoka), które narrator może wykorzystać zamiast tych opisanych w podręczniku podstawowym.

Price: $1.00

Baker Street Irregulars Mini RPG

Baker Street Irregulars Mini RPGPublisher: FeralGamersInc

The Baker Street Irregulars were a group of children who were engaged by Sherlock Holmes to be his ears on the street. He often employed them to gather information or find clues to help him solve his many famous cases.

 You are a member of the irregulars and can choose one of the 5 pre-generated characters available. As a character, you cannot die but you can be caught, arrested or chased by the Police or the various thugs and criminals you become entangled with during your escapades for the great consulting detective. 

Price: $2.00

DRAGONLOCK Ultimate: Trees

DRAGONLOCK Ultimate: TreesPublisher: Fat Dragon Games

DRAGONLOCK™ Ultimate an interlocking terrain system that allows you to create fully modular, multi-level 28mm scale dungeon terrain for your RPG or wargame on your home 3D printer. Individual pieces links to neighboring pieces with our exclusive Dragonbite™ clips. Each set is delivered as a downloadable .stl file, and once you have the set, you can print as many pieces as you like and never run out or need to purchase more. 

A standard dungeon wall piece costs around 40 cents in plastic to print yourself, far cheaper than factory made terrain! All of the models shown were printed at 150 micron resolution, a common standard on most economical 3D printers. A nice starter printer that can print these files starts around $220 (see our F.A.Q. for more info on printers, printing costs, filaments, and more, over on the FDG website forums.)

This set includes:

• 6 modular trees that can be mixed/matched to create new variations.

• Three of the trees are hollow inside to hide miniatures in.

Price: $9.99

Misfit Studios December 2018 Newsletter

Misfit Studios December 2018 NewsletterPublisher: Misfit Studios

The Misfit Studios December 2018 Newsletter

The monthly newsletters by Misfit Studios presents news regarding what is going on with the company, recaps the products it released during the previous month, and offers a product promotion.

The Misfit Studios December 2018 Newsletter Contains Release Details on:

Price: $0.00

Everything 2018 [BUNDLE]

Everything 2018 [BUNDLE]Publisher: Rarr! I'm A Monster Publishing
This special bundle product contains the following titles.

Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
The Big One hit, WWIII. Out of the wreckage of the Earth came the survivors. Humans who had maintained the purity of the species. Formally Human mutants who did not gain strange abilities but just got uglier and tougher. Android servants now on their own, finally free of sub-servitude. All foraging through a strange new world still fighting for survival. Amuck is just a framework for weird post apocalyptic adventures.  It can live in its own world or become your favorite post apocalyptic movie or Saturday morning cartoon show(ahem).  Add to it, subtract from it but mainly just have fun with it....

Base Horror!
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Base Horror is a minimal basic role playing framework for an experienced Gamemaster (GM from now on) to use to run a horror or supernatural role playing session for experienced or beginner players alike.   Want to run a game something similar to your favorite  horror TV show or movie, go ahead.  Like zombie apocalypses, societies of vampires,  escaping from murderous local legends, investigating a haunting then knock yourself out.  Just be scary as hell and have fun! The game system was written with 6 sided dice in mind but works well with any dice you want to use as long as they all have the same number of sides and you have a bunch of them. Includes the core rules, a page of d6 charts and a character sheet,...

Escape From The Shadow People - Rarr! I'm A Pocket Game #17
Regular price: $0.50
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
You’ve woken up but you don’t know from what or where.  You don’t know who you are.  You do know those other people are in the same situation as you.  You are all on the run.  You know they are after you.  That you know.  You know about the Shadow People.  You don’t know why.  You do know that they are evil, evil and want you for something.  It all feel like you’re a Dreamer stuck in a nightmare Escape From The Shadow People is a game of fear and discovery.  The Shadow People are after you but that’s the only thing you know.  You try desperately to figure out who you are while trying to stay alive.   This game is meant to be played by at least 2 Players and Game Master(GM) who runs the ad...

Experiment Six - Rarr! I'm A Pocket Game #16
Regular price: $0.50
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Experiment Six The presence of a new threat has just revealed. An alien race calling itself The Shadow has made itself known and has come to conquer us. As with most new threats a course of action needs to be taken to combat it. The problem is that The Shadow cannot be seen by the naked eye. They live at a slightly different vibrational pattern to be able to move amongst us undetected. How can an invader that can’t be touched or seen be stopped? Top scientists from around the world have occasionally gathered to experiment and solve seemingly impossible unique problems. They have done this five times. This is Experiment 6. The Shadow have a way of controlling Humans to do their bidding through the use of a biological called Cerebellium. Normal Humans cannot fight the affect of...

Intergalactic Playboys- Rarr! I'm A Pocket Game #17
Regular price: $0.50
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
You didn’t know she was the runaway daughter of a Kaldakian ambassador.  You were just looking for a free ride on this boat, right?  Wonder what story her father, who just showed up, will believe. Intergalactic Playboys is a tongue in cheek RPG of 1960’s lounge culture in space.  Each game should be full of misunderstandings, mistaken identities, smooth seductions, sly chicanery, preposterous predicaments, high shenanigans, and of course out of this world cocktails. Pocket Games are small games for the PocketMod format that can be taken and played anywhere.  They use ordinary 6 sided dice(D6).  All you need to play is some 6 sided dice, paper, graph paper, pencils and your imagination.  This game is meant to be played by at least 2 Players and G...

Spare Parts - Rarr I'm A Pocket Game # 15
Regular price: $0.50
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
This game is in PocketMod format only!  You are the product of a secret Government group known as The Agency. You are the product of a secret experiment developed by The Agencyreate a new kind of soldier. Your Biology and DNA has been completely screwed with. You can now replace, almost instantly, any severed or destroyed appengade with one from another body. You are a Frankenagent. Good luck with that. In Spare Parts players are special agents with a special talent. They can replace any lost body part with a new one from any fresh body. All you need to play is some 6 sided dice, paper, graph paper, pencils and your imagination. This game is meant to be played by at least 2 Players and Game Master(GM). Pocket Games are small games for the PocketMod format that can be...

Spiders Vs. The Earth
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
There is sudden vibration and a brief absence of light as the ship you are on exits the worm hole. The darkness fades to reveal the light and heat of the local sun and the bright blue planet now dead in your sites. You begin to feel anxious, just like you always do when there is a new planet to conquer. Your brothers and sisters feel it too as the din of chatter rises. The drop warning signal goes off and you and your fellow soldiers go silent. As the carrier you are on drops from the Mothership screaming towards Earth, you can’t stop wondering if these Humans are as delicious as you have heard. Spiders Vs. The Earth is a mini role playing game where you get to play a giant alien spider invading Earth, All you need to play is some 8 sided dice, paper, graph paper, pencils and your ...

The Complete Collected Hobb Sized Adventures!
Regular price: $8.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
    Hobb Sized Adventures are solitaire adventures written in 20 paragraphs or less(with one exception).  They have been coined “Hobb sized” because of their diminutive stature, being sometimes comical, and at times just nasty.   The quests herein are meant for low level adventurers of the warrior, roguish, and other fighting types, but not for weaklings or the faint of heart.     This collection contains 14 solo adventures were originally written for the blog Hobb Sized Adventures for use with the Tunnels & Trolls role playing game by Ken St. Andre and very popular with the T&T community, Trollhalla.     Also included is an extra section about The Fantasia Tavern, THE place to go in the town of Dimble....

Total value:$13.00
Special bundle price:$10.00
Savings of:$3.00 (23%)
Price: $13.00

Spacefarer's Digest 016 - Cutting Edge Magic Hacks

Spacefarer's Digest 016 - Cutting Edge Magic HacksPublisher: Necromancers of the Northwest

Top Tier Technomancer Tricks!


A spacefarer’s life is a difficult one, fraught with danger. She is surrounded by hazardous environments, encounters strange and hostile alien species, and must often make do with outdated, or even glitchy, equipment. If one wants to live long adventuring among the stars, it’s important to be the best that one can be. The Spacefarer’s Digest series contains new player options and content, from character themes and races, to archetypes, feats, spells, and more, allowing every traveler among the stars to reach their maximum potential.


This volume provides a variety of new options for the technomancer class from the Starfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Included are 21 new magic hacks for all levels of play, such as Empower Armor, Enhance Explosives, Suppress Tech, Fabricate Cybernetics, Jam Signals, and so much more. It always pays to have the latest tricks in the technomancy game. Don’t miss out on your chance to get the upper hand on your foes with these exciting new options.

Price: $1.99

Desert Outcrop 24" x 24" RPG Encounter Map

Desert Outcrop 24Publisher: BattleMats


Desert Outcrop - RPG Encounter Map

24" x 24" image of a series of rocky outcrops raised from the desert sands with optional square or hex grids.

Files included:

For Large Format Printing

Zip file containing 300 DPI JPEGs for 1" and 1.5" square grid variations

Zip file containing 300 DPI JPEGs for 1" and 1.5" hex grid variations

Zip file containing 300 DPI JPEG with no grid variation

For Virtual tabletop

Zip file containing VTT optimised JPEGs with all grid variations

Warning: for personal use only, commercial usage or printing for re-sale is not allowed.

Price: $0.99

Ducting Spaces 24" x 24" RPG Encounter Map

Ducting Spaces 24Publisher: BattleMats


Ducting Spaces - RPG Encounter Map

24" x 24" image of service corridors and duct space around a central vent, with 1" floor tiles 

Files included:

For Large Format Printing


For Virtual tabletop

VTT optimised JPEG

Warning: for personal use only, commercial usage or printing for re-sale is not allowed.

Price: $0.99

Mastering Magic: Wizard's Wisdom - Pathfinder

Mastering Magic: Wizard's Wisdom - PathfinderPublisher: Tipsy Tabby Publishing

Subtle, and quick to anger...

So many books, so little time!

In this, the third of the Mastering Magic series of PDFs, you'll find the wizard getting a little TLC to separate his power from the wizard's born-and-bred magic!

Flexibility is the name of the game with a good wizard, but you don't always know ahead of time what you're going to need.  The new wizard helps with that!

No longer do you need to prepare a spell
in each slot you can cast; no more are you
stuck for a full day with a single selection of

Spells aren't bullets; they're tools. Use them
as such, and...

Master your magics!

Price: $3.00

Agents of G.A.I.A. (Pathfinder)

Agents of G.A.I.A. (Pathfinder)Publisher: Battlefield Press

You have always seen a glimpse of the strange and unknown out of the corner of your eye. You dismissed it from the time you were little until now. You knew that your friend was attacked by werewolves when you were fifteen, even though the entire block was looking for a stray dog. You continued to experience these events as an adult until one day you could not let the attacks go. You had to report something to the authorities, you had to tell someone that Mr. Mason next door was attacked by a mummy in his front yard, no matter how crazy that sounds. Your report did not go unnoticed, as you were visited by a government agency you had never heard of before. The agents that arrived on your doorstep informed you that you were one of the Veil-born, and have the gift of seeing things not seen or believed by most of the populous. You have been recruited by the agency and you are now part of the group called G.A.I.A. an organization designed to protect people from the strange and unusual that exists out there.

Price: $11.99

Legendary Samurai

Legendary SamuraiPublisher: Legendary Games
Swords for the Shogun!


Legendary Samurai is the latest volume in our series of class-focused player supplements, this time focusing on the most well renowned duelist around: the honorable warriors known as samurai.  This new alternative class, introduced in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat, was a class designed to be a talented duelist, as well as a counterpart to the cavalier class. This book expands the samurai with amazing new options and a more dynamic narrative role. Legendary Samurai introduces incredible iaijutsu talents to alter a samurai's combat skills, alongside kiai arts that allow them to call upon supernatural power to dominate the battlefield. In addition, over a dozen new archetypes grant entirely new options for the legendary samurai, such as Ancestral Inheritor which allows you to summon the spirit of your ancestors to fight alongside you, Gunblade Duelist which mixes firearms and blades in an exotic fusion, and Yumi Sniper which allows for the mastery of the bow above the blade for devastating results. You'll also find an amazing assortment of alternate class features, magic items, feats, and more, along with an iconic sample samurai, Kuro Hiro, to show off what the new legendary samurai can do! Grab this amazing 34-page character accessory today and Make Your Game Legendary! 

Price: $7.99

Advanced Labyrinth Lord (Dragon Cover)

Advanced Labyrinth Lord (Dragon Cover)Publisher: Goblinoid Games


Basic and Advanced

Finally the basic and advanced game rules are in one volume!

This book combines the material originally presented in the Labyrinth Lord core rules and in the Advanced Edition Companion. Play advanced and basic characters in the same group, or choose to play one or the other.

Enter a world filled with labyrinths, magic, and monsters! Choose a basic race-class, advanced class, or even multiclass to combine the two! All of the basic and advanced options are within reach.

Labyrinth Lord is the Rosetta Stone of old-school fantasy rules.

It is easy to use basic and advanced game adventures from other publishers with these rules.

In this book you will find...

  • A complete guide to basic and advanced characters
  • All core basic and advanced monsters
  • Basic and advanced spells
  • The full repertoire of basic and advanced magic items
  • Optional rules to make your game even more advanced

Welcome back to old-school gameplay.

**Note that the PDF includes both the Dragon cover and Orcus Cover images.

Price: $9.94

Advanced Labyrinth Lord (Orcus Cover)

Advanced Labyrinth Lord (Orcus Cover)Publisher: Goblinoid Games


Basic and Advanced

Finally the basic and advanced game rules are in one volume!

This book combines the material originally presented in the Labyrinth Lord core rules and in the Advanced Edition Companion. Play advanced and basic characters in the same group, or choose to play one or the other.

Enter a world filled with labyrinths, magic, and monsters! Choose a basic race-class, advanced class, or even multiclass to combine the two! All of the basic and advanced options are within reach.

Labyrinth Lord is the Rosetta Stone of old-school fantasy rules.

It is easy to use basic and advanced game adventures from other publishers with these rules.

In this book you will find...

  • A complete guide to basic and advanced characters
  • All core basic and advanced monsters
  • Basic and advanced spells
  • The full repertoire of basic and advanced magic items
  • Optional rules to make your game even more advanced

Welcome back to old-school gameplay.

**Note that the PDF includes both the Dragon cover and Orcus Cover images.

Price: $9.94

Thunderscape: Aden Gazette 22 - Mystery Island

Thunderscape: Aden Gazette 22 - Mystery IslandPublisher: Kyoudai Games

WARNING: This is the Pathfinder version of this product.

The southern seas of the Known Lands are home to a great many islands, some of which appear on no map. Given the treacherous nature of the seas, few of these islands are home to more than a handful of inhabitants, and most hold secrets that those on the mainland cannot even guess. Among these islands is the strange and nightmarish place known simply as Mystery Island. 

Home to a massive swamp littered with the remains of virtually every airship ever deployed to try and map the area, Mystery Island is plagued with undead that seem to act with terrifying purpose, although what that purpose is remains unknown. The Cartographer's Society has vowed to recover the lost items of their crews that remain on the island and solve its mysteries once and for all... or die trying!

Price: $1.99


CASTLE OLDSKULL Mega-Bundle III [BUNDLE]Publisher: Kent David Kelly
Ask and you shall receive!  This immense mega-bundle includes every Wonderland Imprints publication from 2016 through to December 2018 ... every Platinum gaming supplement, every Gold Gygaxian history book, every novel, every design guide.  Over 10,000 pages of old school gaming and pulp fantasy goodness.  Enjoy!

This special bundle product contains the following titles.

ACR1 - Advanced OSR Character Record - Fighter Class
Regular price: $0.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
The best, easiest, and most flexible Old School Renaissance (OSR) character sheets you can find. Here it is, my preferred and custom-built deluxe OSR character record sheet set … direct to you from the World of Oldskull campaign.  These sheets are designed for use with both Basic and Advanced style Fantasy Role-Playing Games, as developed c. 1972-1985.  If you’re looking for significant changes and innovations introduced beyond 1985, I believe you might be looking in the wrong place. ;-) You get over 100 pages of material.  This download pack includes seven files:  [1] A 75-page book of instructions (and illustrations) for the Advanced record; [2] the blank Basic record, in editable Word format; [3] the blank Basic record, in printable PDF format; [4] ...

ARACHNE - An Epic Work of Dark Fantasy
Regular price: $4.99
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Death is only the beginning ... ARACHNE: A PYRE OF ANGELS is an unforgettable work of epic fantasy. Kent David Kelly’s haunting saga chronicles the death and afterlife of Elspeth Wight, a young Steam Age noblewoman whose beloved sister Christabel has died. Without Christabel, the heartbroken Elspeth forsakes her own beliefs. Tormented and reckless, she dares to believe in the whispers of her mysterious elder — and her childhood protector — Symon Adler. Symon swears to Elspeth that there is a secret afterlife, an unreachable Deathlessness, where Christabel’s soul yet breathes even as its memory begins to fade. Symon promises Elspeth that she and her sister will be reunited in a dark and Gothic paradise, the eternal purgatorial netherworld known only as Embris. ...

BLOODBATH BUNNIES - An OSR Gaming Supplement
Regular price: $0.99
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Run away!  Run away!   No!  Come ye hither.  Avaunt not, you ninny.  Behold ye the drunken, juvenile scroll-doodles writ centuries ago by real-world medieval scribes … see here glorious art depicting the original Murder Hobos (tm), the mighty DEATH RABBITS.  Behold them hopping about preciously here and there and back again whilst merrily shearing the heads from atop unwary knights, nasty halflingses, and pompous elven magi.  Death by bunny, aye, with nasty big teeth.  Ridiculous dark fantasy as envisioned by delirious magi back in the 1300s.  You can’t get much more old school than that! Inspired by all those unsettling medieval sketches and illuminations of murderous rabbits cruelly slaughtering hapless...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - 1,000 Rooms of Chaos
Regular price: $0.99
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
"Ah, yes.  And what do we find here?  Why, the dark harlequin of the underworld neath Castle Oldskull, Groohlz-Drakha, has brought you his cruelest and most luscious map of the nether:  Herein you will find 1,000 Rooms of Chaos, direct from the most secret lore of Darkseraphim’s own Castle Oldskull.  But here in this codex, which I now grant you, lieth only the names of the rooms, mind. What lurks in each chamber within?  You as Game Master will imagine up the descriptions, the tricks, the treasures, the traps, and the monsters lairing within each Room of Chaos on your own." So.  The adventurers open the door at last, into the dread reach of the dungeon which you have not had time to design yet.  And there, to their ultimate bafflement, they di...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - 1,000 Rooms of Chaos II
Regular price: $0.99
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
"Ah, yes.  And what do we find here?  Why, the dark harlequin of the underworld neath Castle Oldskull, Groohlz-Drakha, has brought you his cruelest and most luscious map of the nether:  Herein you will find 1,000 Rooms of Chaos, direct from the most secret lore of Darkseraphim’s own Castle Oldskull.  But here in this codex, which I now grant you, lieth only the names of the rooms, mind. What lurks in each chamber within?  You as Game Master will imagine up the descriptions, the tricks, the treasures, the traps, and the monsters lairing within each Room of Chaos on your own." So.  The adventurers open the door at last, into the dread reach of the dungeon which you have not had time to design yet.  And there, to their ultimate bafflemen...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - 333 Realms of Entropy
Regular price: $0.99
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Herein you will find 333 fleeting glimpses of the World of Oldskull … the Realms of Entropy.  What wonders will you create from these enigmatic inspirations? The realms in this book will give you enthralling and mysterious idea-shards filled with exotic locales, disturbing secrets, and haunting monster encounters which you can make your own. Each of the 333 realms is uniquely named, and includes terrain details and revelations about the most unusual and powerful monsters who dwell there. Herein you will also find hundreds of suggested random encounters by terrain type, and a unique rumor generator. The rumor generator will intrigue your players, while simultaneously providing you with new hooks which ease the creation of wilderness locales, monster lairs, adventure plots, ...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - City State Encounters
Regular price: $0.99
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Assassins with envenomed daggers Sworn to exact the ultimate price … Veiled ladies of the evening Beckoning you on with painted eyes … Elegant nobles seeking adventure, Beasts and thieves lurking in alleys, Reavers and monsters stalking the rooftops, Crime lords, madmen, witch hunters, gladiators, All sharing secrets in an endless labyrinth Of arena and abattoir, temple and tomb, A thousand and one nights’ exotic tales Awaiting your discovery … Does this sound like the fantasy city-state of your dreams, the gateway to all adventure?  Or would you rather tell your players, “Okay, you guys heal up in town for thirty-six days, and nothing really happ...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Dungeon Delver Enhancer (Character Creator)
Regular price: $0.99
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A decades-long labor of love: The ultimate old school character book. Your game, filled to the brim with every Pulp Swords and Sorcery detail imaginable, Will never be the same. Do your player characters ever seem less like heroes, and more like cardboard cutouts?  Do your campaign’s nefarious arch-villains fail to inspire fear, or even interest?  Do you need help with your next story hook or adventure campaign, creating compelling protagonists and enemies that your players or readers will never forget?  Look no further. The DUNGEON DELVER ENHANCER is specifically designed to enrich every aspect of character design, turning stereotypes into unique and engaging personas.  You can design thousands or even mi...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Game World Generator
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Please Note: This is the Platinum Best-Selling first edition of the Game World Generator, available to you at an introductory price.  If you would like additional content, there is now a separate Revised and Deluxe Edition available, at This Link.  The Deluxe Edition contains twice the content, including a full-featured City State Design Guide.  Feel free to choose which affordable level of complexity you require for your own campaign.  Thank you for your continued support of the Castle Oldskull line of OSR gaming supplements! ~K ** Wolf-haunted wastelands of frigid tundra, Veiling lost cities sunken and frozen into the ice … Mist-wreathed mountains teeming with orcs, Goblins, demons and dwarven underworlds … <...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Game World Generator - Deluxe Edition
Regular price: $4.99
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Please Note: This Deluxe and Revised Edition of the Platinum Best-Selling Game World Generator is actually two books in one.  It is a fully expanded, reformatted, re-illustrated, and re-edited version of the original Game World Generator, along with a new 70,000-word book -- my requested City State Design Guide -- which is featured as a part herein, where the previous edition ended with very little city state information.  The two books are united as a continuous narrative due to the number of requests made by GMs for these associated topics over the years.  This Deluxe Edition supersedes the existing Game World Generator (GWG1 V1), which remains available separately at an introductory price.  The original edition's 71,000 words have expanded with new material to encom...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Monsters & Treasures Level 1
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AND SO YOU DARE to open the dungeon door, delving deeper into the upper ruins of nefarious Castle Oldskull. The door opens with a groan, puffing moldy spores into the air. Some evil creature cackles in the dark. You grip your sword, thrust your torch into the murky shadows, and … What do you find? Snarling orcs? Skulking goblins who worship the fire demon who reigns in the Abyss? Dark elves wielding mithril blades, or a coven of scaly Deep Ones? Perhaps you are more fortunate. There are wary gnomes to parley with, and halfling burglars, dwarven rune priests, and the serene and vigilant elven guardians. Or perhaps you are cursed, and therein shall arise the loathsome shrieking fungi, or a swarm of venomous centipedes … This book has all the answers you require for your ...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Adventure Generator
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The world’s ultimate adventure creation tool.  Infinite possibilities await you in dungeons, the wilderness, the seas, skies, netherworld, and the planes of existence.  Whither are you bound?   Years in the making, mega-supplement GWG2:  OLDSKULL ADVENTURE GENERATOR is the “Rosetta Stone” of the Castle Oldskull system, the one master system which binds all of the present and future supplements of the Castle Oldskull OSR gaming universe together into a massive unified imagination engine.  Harness the power of over 30,000 data elements to create dungeons, villains, quests, and more.  Your worlds of adventure will never be the same!  Using this 700+ page supplement, you can create millions of unique adventures for your pl...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull D100 NPC Generator
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Hello all, this one is short and sweet:  It's a 26-page old school Gygaxian OSR Non-Player Character (NPC) generator, designed to help you create NPC concepts in a very short timeframe.  You can use this book between sessions or even at the table to improv a character during a sandbox game.  Extensive tables are included to help you in determining an NPC's name, mythos/homeland, sex, race, class, experience level, ability scores, epithet (reputation), personality, likes and dislikes using only 8 or fewer dice rolls.  Appendices are included to assist you in the determination of carried wealth and magic items based on class, power, and wealth level.  11,200 words.  Please note that this is a compact generator; it does everything it says in this description but...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Dragons
Regular price: $2.99
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The great draconian powers of the World of Oldskull arise, ready to fill your players’ hearts with dread, excitement, and trepidation … Are their bold PC heroes ready for the challenge?   Have you been wanting to include some classic old school dragons in your campaign?  This book will save you hours of development time!  Many thousands of dice rolls have been made for you, with the results carefully collected into stat and treasure templates for easy reference and use.  Herein you will find 100 pre-generated dragons complete with unique names, combat statistics, spells (as appropriate), and pre-rolled treasure hoards.  All 100 of these glorious beasties have been sorted according to their relative challenge level, fr...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Dungeon Bestiary
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This is the tome of dragons deep, This is the book of the orcish blade ... Bloodied leer of cavern troll, Canticle of the underworld. Graven by the hand of Fate, Beheld by Balor's crimson eye ... This is the jeweled crown and key, Death chant of the dungeon beast. A major companion work to the well-received CLASSIC DUNGEON DESIGN GUIDE series, this epic bestiary is the great compendium of monsters, dragons, devils, and all the eldritch horrors who haunt the netherworld.  This massive tome is an ideal work for Game Masters conducting pen-and-paper Fantasy Role-Playing Games.  Now, with one huge resource, you can populate your entire mega-dungeon in record time with 79 different random encounter tables, 5,000 different classic encounters! THE OLDSKULL DUNGEON B...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Dungeon Encounters Book I
Regular price: $1.99
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From the dungeons deep beneath the haunted Ushirian Manor, Castle Oldskull, the first fiends and treasures are now unveiled at last … In this mini-supplement tome you will find 25 unique dungeon encounters and 25 treasures, unearthed from the author’s Castle Oldskull setting, dungeon level 1.  The encounters herein are specifically suitable for adventuring parties of the first or second levels of experience.  Compatible statistics are provided for Basic, Expert, and Advanced editions of the world’s finest old school role-playing game. These encounters were designed using the Gygaxian bestiary of 1977 and have been specially developed to reveal the extent to which classic monsters...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Dungeon Generator
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Hello all, this supplement features an immense Gygaxian OSR random dungeon generator system, crammed into 83 pages. It’s focused on empowering you to create the sprawling level 1 of any mega-dungeon, or any smaller dungeon set to challenge adventurers of experience levels 1 to 3.  The challenge levels of the monsters, traps, tricks, and treasures all reflect that difficulty level. You can use this book to design any number of dungeons, and if your group is patient you can even use it during play. You will also find some experimental solitaire rules here, if you like to practice the dungeon crawling yourself! This book’s systems interlock with the Classic Dungeon Design Guide series (CDDG1-3) as well as the Book of Dungeon Traps (BDT1) if you want to add more detail to any...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Dungeon Tools
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At last, the culmination of years of old school dungeon design ideas, at your fingertips …   Important Note: This is a spreadsheet program, with a user’s manual. This utility is designed to work with a desktop computer, with Microsoft Excel installed and also a word processor (allowing you to paste data output into an easily printable format). If you are using a non-desktop system such as a phone or tablet, you may become frustrated by your inability to use this tool to 100% of its intended functionality. Compatibility with other spreadsheet programs is unfortunately not guaranteed. Please purchase this product only if you have a system that can handle the formatted data and generators in a manner that will be helpful to you. These systems...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Monster Generator
Regular price: $0.99
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The OLDSKULL MONSTER GENERATOR is the ultimate random monster creation tool, created specifically for both the Fifth and First Editions (5E, 1E) of the world’s first and foremost Fantasy Role-Playing Game (FRPG).  Rules and guidelines are provided for both editions. This colossal page compendium contains the largest, most comprehensive, and most ambitious monster creation system ever devised.  If you feel that your game might be suffering from a lack of variety in monsters and encounters; if you want straightforward help and guidance in refining your own monster concepts; or, if you just want to inject some old school Gygax-inspired, Arnesonian, and Lovecraftian atmosphere into your modern FRPG, then this is the perfect resource for you.  Tap into the chaos, ...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Treasure Trove
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The most ambitious old school treasure system, at your fingertips ... Are you weary of plopping down unimaginative treasures that read “1,000 gold pieces” or something similar?  More detail would be great, but how do you get there?  Do you have enough game and historical information to provide your players with intricate details on acid types, unholy symbols, perfume types, and realistic spices?  Can you provide enough variety to fuel an entire campaign replete with hundreds or thousands of different treasure hoards? The challenge is a daunting one.  How can you keep your players intrigued and exploring the endless intricacies of your world if every lair they visit is a predictable slot machine with only four vending bins for coins, gems, jewelry, and m...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Tyrrhenia Map Pack - TYR1
Regular price: $0.99
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An old school campaign world like no other … the fabled realm of Tyrrhenia which enshrouds the colossal manor known as Castle Oldskull, unveiled at last …   Well met, adventurer!  Welcome to the age-old land of heroes and perilous beasts.  In this introductory “sandbox” campaign starter kit, you will find 18 full-color maps which comprise the old school FRPG realm of Tyrrhenia (the author’s mythic and folkloric interpretation of late medieval Italy and Magna Roma).  There is a beautiful full-color satellite image showing all of the Tyrrhenian peninsula and seas beyond; a concise guide-sector map showing how all of the ultra-detail maps connect (as well as the adjacent lands and isles within the World of Oldskull)...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - Sword & Sorcery Book I
Regular price: $6.99
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After decades of development, Kent David Kelly and Wonderland Imprints are proud to offer you the CASTLE OLDSKULL fantasy role-playing game system.  This first rules volume, OLDSKULL SWORD & SORCERY I:  BASIC PLAYER CHARACTERS features all the rules new players and Game Masters require to orient themselves in the fantasy world.  Here you will find rules, guidelines, and advice for creating newly-emboldened Player Characters in search of adventure in the unknown.  The Castle Oldskull Sword & Sorcery Adventure Game is designed in modular fashion, allowing you to progress and expand your realms with bold new challenges, wrought in a world of limitless imagination.  Additional volumes in this series detail character empowerment, level progression, dungeon adve...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Book of Dungeon Traps
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Tumbling boulders crushing over powdered bones, Death pits filled with gibbering slime, Strangling vines, enchanted lodestones, lightning bolts, Hateful wraiths Imprisoned in chests of ancient gold, Chained by holy symbol and silver seal ... Every mechanical horror, every thief’s demise, Every fell contraption Lies here, deep in this book of secrets. Would you like to fill your dungeons with traps, but you can never find coherent rules or guidelines to show the way?  Are your players weary of arbitrary deathtraps?  Have you ever searched in vain for a system which codifies spells into magical traps?  Are you bored with the “famous four” — pits, gas, arrows and poisoned needles &m...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Classic Dungeon Design Guide
Regular price: $0.99
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Deep dwarven cities of the underworld, Infested by conquering orcs, Enslaved by demons of skull and pyre ... Black labyrinths of mad demigods, Proving grounds for daring adventurers And graveyards for greedy fools ... Twisting passages, all alike, Where lurking trolls and shadow beasts Guard the deepest riddles of the nether ... If you have ever wanted to know how to quickly and masterfully create your own mega-dungeon for your pen-and-paper Fantasy Role-Playing Game (PNP FRPG) campaigns, this is the perfect book for you.  This Game Master’s guide will show you, step by step, how to take your vague-yet-promising ideas and how to sculpt them with precise and careful design decisions (enhanced, if y...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Classic Dungeon Design Guide II
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The sequel to the Classic Dungeon Design Guide is here ... Have you read every dungeon design book out there, but you’re still hungry for great ideas to amaze your players?  Would you like to possess the tools to generate countless millions of randomized results for bizarre rooms and shrines, dungeon doors, magical laboratories, skeletons, Lovecraftian abominations, and torture chambers?  Then this is the book for you. This massive tome is the direct sequel to Wonderland Imprints’ Gold Medal Best Seller, CDDG1:  THE CLASSIC DUNGEON DESIGN GUIDE.  Where Book 1 was a basic inspirational tome filled with thousands of ideas, Book II:  Dungeon Mastery Design Tables is an advanced nuts-and-bolts guide that provides you with hundreds of pages of tables wh...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Classic Dungeon Design Guide III
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Enchanted fountains shadowed by gargoyle sentries, Tricksy nymphs cavorting in crystal pools, Unholy altars, sacred shrines, Undiscovered treasure vaults, Thousands upon thousands of wondrous rooms Filled with treasure, tricks, magic and eldritch horror, All awaiting your heroes’ intrepid discovery … What greater mysteries await far below, For only the most dauntless magi And fearless warlords to ever find?   Continuing the proud tradition of the CLASSIC DUNGEON DESIGN GUIDE series, Book 3:  The Labyrinth Lexicon provides you with a nearly endless array of dungeon room types which you can use to build any size, plan and theme of dungeon you desire.  This is the largest and most ext...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Oldskull Deck of Strangest Things
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For all levels, all classes, all who dare. Shake your old school campaign to its foundations with the ultimate magic item …   THE OLDSKULL DECK OF STRANGEST THINGS is a deluxe supplement detailing the hundreds of effects created by a Tarot-inspired minor artifact.  Profusely illustrated throughout with beautiful card motifs, and with printable color card sheets in the back.  100+ pages.   The purposes of this supplement, fully detailing the deck for use in your campaign, are as follows: [1] To make a new tarot deck magic item for old school FRPGs, which surpasses the complexity and quality of all others, while retaining the original Gygaxian spirit of the earliest masterpiece. [2] To clarify generally vague abilities and...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Oldskull Necronomicon I
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That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons, even Death may die. (Al Azif, Necronomicon, Scroll 50, fin.)   THE GREATEST NECROMANCER of H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos, Abdul Alhazred, comes to vivid and haunting life in this compelling first codex from the most fabled and infamous grimoire of black magic that the world has ever known: THE NECRONOMICON. This book is a treasure trove for any Game Master who wants to embrace the old school of Fantasy Role-Playing Games. Herein lie the terrible secrets of Great Cthulhu and his cult, of the sunken city of R’lyeh, of Alhazred’s necromantic incantations, of the Nameless City, of Nyarlathotep, and the horrible cannibalistic Ghuls who stalk the storm-wrought wastelands of Yemen an...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Order of the Scarlet Tabard
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Hale companions, ready and true, prepared to brave the dungeons deep in the name of hard-won gold and glory … Behold the doughty and stalwart men- and women-at-arms who hail from the Free City of Grimrook, the infamous and ever-ready “Redshirts” from the mercenary company known as the Order of the Scarlet Tabard! The old school rules always encourage us to include men-at-arms ready for hire by any low-level Player Characters, so that the adventuring party’s strength is bolstered in the dungeon.  After all, if there are not enough bodies in the ranks to soak up those pit traps, fatal spider bites, and energy drains, all of those nasty attacks go straight to the imperiled and beloved heroes who are played by the players.  But while the ru...

CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Pegana Mythos
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Maidens weaving a spell of clouds Over a ruined city of the spice Sunken beneath the venom sea, Blood-painted cultists Chanting beneath the storm moon, Sacrificing innocents to Mung In the name of immortality …   The world of a thousand wonders which inspired H. P. Lovecraft’s Dreamlands, and the Cthulhu Mythos Comes to vivid life once more In this Swords and Sorcery supplement For any Fantasy Role-Playing Game.   From the peerless works of Lord Dunsany, from my surreptitious campaign notes they come at last:  the secret Gods, Monsters, and Heroes who inspired the very foundation of the World of Castle Oldskull. How was the world created?  Who...

FROM THE FIRE - A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Epic
Regular price: $4.99
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The end of the world. The beginning of destiny. * A proven Amazon Best Seller (#1 in Action & Adventure Fiction, 2012; #1 in Post-Apocalyptic Fiction, 2014; #3 in Dystopian Fiction, 2014; 5-Star UK Best Seler, 2017) * Over 80 5-Star Reviews for the Saga and Episode Novellas * The Entire Acclaimed Series: Episodes I, II, III, IV, V and VI in a Single Volume ON APRIL 4th, 2014, 6 billion and 783 million people died in the blinding white fireballs of the Pan-Global Nuclear Holocaust. Sophie Saint-Germain, wife and scientist and mother of one, was not among them. She lived for a time, and so her words endure. The reclamation of her terrifying story is a miracle in itself. Uncovered during the Shoshone Geyser Basin archaeological excavations of 2316, Sop...

HAWK & MOOR - Book 1 - Deluxe Edition - The Dragon Rises
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Lake Geneva, 1972.  Gygax.  Arneson.  Come experience the Golden Age ... THE CREATION of the world’s preeminent Fantasy Role-Playing Game (FRPG), Dungeons & Dragons®, is one of the most fascinating tales to be told in all the shared histories of entertainment, play and game design.  Two very different men, David Lance Arneson and Ernest Gary Gygax, undertook an unprecedented collaboration which gifted us — as their shared legacy — with one of the most intriguing games the world has yet experienced.  Their game did not just simulate one isolate corner of reality; it dared to encompass the entirety of all realms of adventure, the consensual playground of the human imagination. HAWK & MOOR tells the story of Dave and Ga...

HAWK & MOOR - Book 2 - Deluxe Edition - The Dungeons Deep
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THE CREATION of the world’s preeminent Fantasy Role-Playing Game (FRPG), Dungeons & Dragons®, is one of the most fascinating tales to be told in all the shared histories of entertainment, play and game design.  Two very different men, David Lance Arneson and Ernest Gary Gygax, undertook an unprecedented collaboration which gifted us — as their shared legacy — with one of the most intriguing games the world has yet experienced.  Their game did not just simulate one isolate corner of reality; it dared to encompass the entirety of all realms of adventure, the consensual playground of the human imagination.   HAWK & MOOR tells the story of Dave and Gary, and the many other people whose efforts gave first life to the game we know a...

HAWK & MOOR - Book 3 - Lands and Worlds Afar
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THE CREATION of the world’s preeminent Fantasy Role-Playing Game (FRPG), Dungeons & Dragons, is one of the most fascinating tales to be told in all the shared histories of entertainment, play and game design.  Two very different men, David Lance Arneson and Ernest Gary Gygax, undertook an unprecedented collaboration which gifted us — as their shared legacy — with one of the most intriguing games the world has yet experienced.  Their game did not just simulate one isolate corner of reality; it dared to encompass the entirety of all realms of adventure, the consensual playground of the human imagination. HAWK & MOOR tells the story of Dave and Gary, and the many other people whose efforts gave first life to the game we know and love today....

HAWK & MOOR - Book 4 - Of Demons and Fallen Idols
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THE CREATION of the world’s preeminent Fantasy Role-Playing Game (FRPG), Dungeons & Dragons, is one of the most fascinating tales to be told in all the shared histories of entertainment, play and game design.  Two very different men, David Lance Arneson and Ernest Gary Gygax, undertook an unprecedented collaboration which gifted us — as their shared legacy — with one of the most intriguing games the world has yet experienced.  Their game did not just simulate one isolate corner of reality; it dared to encompass the entirety of all realms of adventure, the consensual playground of the human imagination. HAWK & MOOR tells the story of Dave and Gary, and the many other people whose efforts gave first life to the game we know and love today....

HAWK & MOOR - Book 5 - Age of Glory
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THE CREATION of the world’s preeminent Fantasy Role-Playing Game (FRPG), Dungeons & Dragons, is one of the most fascinating tales to be told in all the shared histories of entertainment, play and game design.  Two very different men, David Lance Arneson and Ernest Gary Gygax, undertook an unprecedented collaboration which gifted us — as their shared legacy — with one of the most intriguing games the world has yet experienced.  Their game did not just simulate one isolate corner of reality; it dared to encompass the entirety of all realms of adventure, the consensual playground of the human imagination. HAWK & MOOR tells the story of Dave and Gary, and the many other people whose efforts gave first life to the game we know and love today....

HAWK & MOOR - The Steam Tunnel Incident
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THE MORE SINISTER urban legends concerning the Steam Tunnel Incident run as follows: A young genius, seduced and deluded by a mind-controlling fantasy game, abandoned his Satanic gaming cult because he feared for his life.  He then delved into the netherworld, a labyrinthine “dungeon” of steam tunnels running for miles beneath a sprawling university.  There, under the influence of drugs, occult talismans, evil magic or mere insanity, he mistook fantasy for reality and tried to slay his invoked dragons, demons and devils in real life.  Finally, he became hopelessly lost in the tunnels. Facing a slow and horrible demise in the endless dark, he committed suicide.  Or, he was murdered by a conspiracy of Lucifer-worshipping gamer-cultists who silenced him to...

LORDS OF OLDSKULL - Book I - Krampus
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As cav’lier golems march and wheel, In tiny danse of death and holm And arc their blades of mint and bone To tinkling chaunt of glockenspiel;   And from the shadow’s watching wall? Krampus sighing, claimeth all. See his sorrowed eyes abright, Bells a-tinkling in the night;   Sixty-six the bells they are, Shiv’ring silver-bright I see: Bell woven to brimstone, beard, and mane, Regardless of thy slumber feign’d.   From the wintery shadows He comes, and when he sings, none dare keep their most forbidden secrets from his clutches …   Are you looking for something a little different to spice up your old sch...

Total value: $58.63 Special bundle price: $35.64 Savings of: $22.99 (39%)
Price: $58.63

Endless Realms Core Bundle [BUNDLE]

Endless Realms Core Bundle [BUNDLE]Publisher: Lunar Games Inc
This special bundle product contains the following titles.

Endless Realms: Corebook
Regular price: $24.99
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Open the book, step through the gate and enter Lumis – a world where reality is torn, where portals to other dimensions have woven a tapestry of different cultures, beliefs, personalities, and conflicts. The rich earth is an excellent place to harvest stories – your stories, populated by characters you build and live through. As gamers, we do not live one life. We live many.   For storytellers, we appreciate that your skill is narrative architecture. We've got solid and consistent mechanics here to make your stories impactful and tangible, full of relatable dangers to challenge players and hundreds of items to spark creativity. For players, we present a world of limitless possibilities. The depth of this book allows for two characters of the same race and class to ...

Endless Realms: Game Screen
Regular price: $4.99
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A Must have Reference for all Game Masters playing Endless Realms! This Game Master Screen is filled with References, Charts, and Tables to make your life at the table easy!   Four Panels Including information on: Common Actions, Universal Skills, and spells, Improvised Weapons, Actions. Senses & Awareness, Illuminations, Water conditions, Locks & Locking Seals, collisions. Flanking, Targeting, Random Direction, Penalty Blows, Engagements & Disengagement Conflicting Emotions, Random emotion table, Random Chaos Effects Table, Emotion references.  ...

Endless Realms: Creature Compendium
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WARNING – this book will lead to the deaths of many adventurers! Contained herein are some of the realms’ most twisted, corrupt, and conniving creatures – fearsome foes to test the strength of those unfortunate enough to encounter them. The realms are not all death and danger, however; this tome also contains cute critters, interesting animals, and plenty of helpful and intelligent denizens with communities and history of their own. Wherever your adventures take you, something from the Creature Compendium will be there to greet you!   The Endless Realms Creature Compendium contains: Over 250 creatures Many alternate creature variants to keep players on their toes Rules for creating custom creatures Rules for adjusting the strength of creatures ...

Big Trouble, Little Dengu!
Regular price: $4.99
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***If you purchased the Endless Realms Starter set, do NOT purchase this adventure!! This is the same adventure from the starter set!!!*** This is the Endless Realms Adventure Big Trouble, Little Dengu! Designed for level 4 characters.  Synopsis for “Big Trouble, Little Dengu”  A FAMED ARCHAEOLOGIST HAS GONE MISSING An'Heya was looking into a forgotten cult below the earth, down in a hidden place called the City of the Stars.  Far below the surface, surrounded by terrifying undersharks and haunted by feral cultivars, the city waits under a sparkling canopy of flickering lights.  Are you and your friends brave enough to journey down to this Dengu megapolis?  Can you sort through the political machinations, wild ambition, and terrible se...

Spirits of the Realms Vol 1
Regular price: $3.99
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Spirits of the Realms Vol. 1  Spirits of the Realms is a collection of single, premade spirit NPCs that can be placed into any adventure or campaign. Each spirit from this collection will include information about their appearance, personality, mannerisms, backstory, rituals, motivations, vices, virtues, relationships, roleplaying hints, combat stats, tactics, and magical items. Basically, everything you need to add these incredible characters into your adventures! Featured NPCS: Althea, the Scheming Breeze Orlara, Maiden of the Vine Idnir, Spirit of Despair Ysha, Spirit of Healing Waters Designed for the Endless Realms D10 System ...

Total value: $63.95 Special bundle price: $44.77 Savings of: $19.18 (30%)
Price: $63.95
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