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Fenix 1, 2010

Fenix 1, 2010Publisher: Askfageln

Välkommen till ett nummer fullproppat med brädspel Fenix plockade upp på den stora spelmässan i Essen och en intervju med en av de mäktigaste männen på brädspelsscenen. Svenska gamers flaggskepp Drakar och Demoner har nu tagit klivet över till spelbrädet. du kan läsa en en presentation av spelet, intervju med spelkonstruktörerna och en recension för att se om det håller måttet. Läs också en fullödig artikel om det klassiska brädspelet Talisman, samt matiga artiklar till Operation Fallen Reich, Mutant: Undergångens Arvtagare och Western. Vill du variera ditt spel rekommenderar vi äventyrsbilagan Himlastorm och artikeln Myteri på Nautilius. Tävla om tre olika spel, utse 2009 års bästa spel, supplement och omslag, och mycket mer.

Innehåll i Fenix nr 1, 2010

  • Nyhetssvepet - Trots att julen är över kommer många nya spel.
  • Tävling - Tävla och vinn Operation Fallen Reich.
  • Tävling - Tävla och vinn STHLM Maffia.
  • Tävling - Tävla och vinn Europa universalis 3 & Heir to the Throne.
  • Trudvang på ett bräde: Drakar och Demoner brädspelet - Hur gick det till när det klassiska rollspelet Drakar och Demoner bytte format? Hur ser det ut och vad har Riotminds mer på gång?
  • Vad var bäst 2009? - Rösta fram bästa rollspel, supplement och Fenixomslag.
  • Rättvisans svärd: Western - Ett äventyr bland korrupta lagmän, boskapstjuvar, vigilantes och rasister.
  • Bokmalar och ballongfarare: Mutant Undergångens arvtagare - Stifta bekantskap med mutantsläktet Gotlands apfolk och spela kampanjuppslaget Den Corneliska reningen.
  • Utdrag ur den hemliga fältmanualen: Operation Fallen Reich - Kompanier, täckmantlar, introduktionsutbildningar och mycket mer.
  • Himlastorm: Ett korståg för fallna gudar - 16-sidig äventyrsbilaga i en fantasysetting med persiska influenser. Komplett med ett indie-inspirerat regelsystem.
  • Myteri på Nautilus - Scenariot tar vid efter händelserna i Jules Vernes klassiker En världsomsegling under havet.
  • Dominion enligt Tummelson - En av brädspelsvärldens mäktigaste män om hans senaste succé.
  • Talisman: En klassikers resa genom expansionerna - Ett nytt sätt att spela och minirecensioner av expansioner spelare arbetat fram och delat med sig av. De expansioner som presenteras är:
  1. Archipaelago
  2. Atlantis
  3. Black’s Tavern
  4. Black Tower
  5. BloodBowl
  6. Castle
  7. Contracts
  8. Desert
  9. Diablo
  10. Disaster
  11. Faerieland
  12. Far Outer Region
  13. Harem
  14. Hell
  15. Mountain Pass
  16. Mystic Brew
  17. Pyramid of Kulkencamun
  18. Paranoia
  19. Realm of Chaos
  20. Realm of Cthulhu
  21. Sea Realm
  22. Sewer
  23. Space Hulk
  24. Sherwood Forest
  25. Talisman Island
  26. Tournament
  27. Transformation
  28. Troll Mountains
  29. Village
  30. Warlock’s Maze
  31. Butiksguiden
  32. Äras den som äras bör- Len Howard och Barda.


  • Alver – Sångernas Ätt
  • WFRP Core Set 3ed
  • Warhammer Invasion
  • Fzzzt!
  • Caligula
  • Drakar och Demoner Brädspelet
  • STHLM Maffia
  • Heckmeck
  • Middle Earth Quest
  • Stronghold
  • The Adventurers
  • Power Grid: Factory Manager
  • Cubiko

Birger Barbaren

  • Birger Barbaren möter han
  • Birger Barbaren möter det
  • Birger Barbaren möter den

    Price: $4.99

    Fenix 3, 2009

    Fenix 3, 2009Publisher: Askfageln

    Vi tittar på två svenska rollspelsprojekt med beräknad release i år: Western och Operation Fallen Reich. Äventyrsbilagan är till Noir, där Sandukar har bytts ut mot Poltava. Missa inte heller artikeln SL som festfixare om hur man får till en rolig spelkväll. Spelledarpersoner behöver inte vara rollpersonernas motståndare, vilket du kan läsa mer om i Spelledarpersonen som kompanjon. Fenix spänner från nyhetssvep och recensioner av nya spel till en lång artikel om hur du skapar de ruiner i vilka dagens äventyrare trampar. Svenil låter oss stifta bekantskap med Glesbygda jaktlag i en historia om älg, skog och kamratskap. Vi rundar av med serier, både Birger Barbaren och enrutesskämtisar signerade Åke Rosenius.

    Innehåll i Fenix nr 3, 2009

    • Nyhetssvepet - Fenix tar temperaturen på spelhobbyn – vad händer egentligen i finanskrisens spår och när kommer spelen du väntar på?
    • Fenix synar senaste magic-expansionen -Magic the Gathering fortsätter med oförminskad styrka att släppa nya expansioner. Frågan är vad Alara Reborn erbjuder för intressanta nyheter?
    • Western- Vad väntar i den fjärde utgåvan av detta klassiska svenska rollspel och när kommer det egentligen? Här får du veta mer om både regler och spelvärld.
    • Operation Fallen Reich - En jolly good intervju med konstruktörerna bakom ett nytt svenskt rollspel – som kommer att släppas på engelska! Och där du använder spelplan och kort när du skapar dina rollpersoner.
    • Spelledaren som festfixare - Det pratas mycket om indiespel nu för tiden, men vad innebär det rent konkret när man spelar? En artikel om hur vi ser på spelande och tankar kring hur man kan förbereda en riktigt trevlig spelkväll.
    • Spelledarpersonen som kompanjon - Ge spelledaren chansen att tala med kluven tunga.
    • Upphittat i Fenix skattgömmor - Vi har grävt fram tre tidigare opublicerade skämtteckningar om spelhobbyn signerade Åke Rosenius.
    • Poltava Noir: En bakgrund till Noir - 16 sidor med en historisk 1700-talsvariant av Noir, med fokus på Karl XII och hans karoliner.
    • Long have i desired to look upon the kings of old - En artikel om att skapa de ruiner i vilka dagens äventyrare trampar.
    • Glesbygda jaktlag; Svenil rollspelet - Denna artikel bjuder på älg, skog och kamratskap. Och äventyr i glesbygden.
    • Virka din egen crobot
    • Butiksguiden


    • Höstdimma
    • Player’s Handbook Heroes (D&D Minis)
    • Mutant City Blues
    • Necessary Evil: Explorer’s Edition
    • Dancers in the Dusk
    • Martial Power
    • Age of Conan: The Boardgame
    • Supernova
    • Pandemic
    • Darkfall Online
    • Demigod
    • Stalin vs Martians
    • Worldshift
    • Elven Legacy

    Birger Barbaren

    • Birger Barbaren på morgonkvisten
    • Birger Barbaren till undsättning
    • Birger Barbaren I kvadrat

      Price: $4.99

      Fenix 2, 2010

      Fenix 2, 2010Publisher: Askfageln

      Coriolis täcker omslaget och den extra feta bilagan. Förra årets bästa svenska spel enligt Fenix läsare var Operation Fallen Reich, som i detta nummer representeras av ett demoniskt SS-kommando som passar utmärkt att stoppa in i äventyr och kampanjer nära fronten. Missa inte det nya mutantsläktet Havsfolket, som här presenteras ihop med äventyrsfrön som kan bli en hel kampanj eller hur något så klassiskt som dvärgar blir ovanligt coolt till Saga. Fenix tittar också närmare på Starcrafts efterlängtade uppföljare, multiplayerfunktionen till Mount & Blade och D&Ds klassiska kampanjvärld Dark Sun som kommer tillbaka 2010. Missa inte heller vårt nyhetssvep, det nya rollspelet Sägen, våra 26 spelrecensioner, allas vår favoritbarbar eller konsten att skräddarsy helvetet.

      Innehåll i Fenix nr 2, 2010

      • Nyhetssvepet - Vilka spel vill du ha i ditt påskägg i år?
      • Legend föregås av sägen - Intervju med två rollspelskonstruktörer inför att de släpper sitt nya spel.
      • Dark Sun: Dungeons & Dragons - En klassisk kampanjvärld kommer tillbaka 2010.
      • Bäst 2009
      • Mount & Blade Warband - Äntligen får Mount & Blade multiplayerfunktion, men hur fungerar den?
      • Starcraft 2 - Uppföljaren har tagit tolv år – är Wings of Liberty värt att vänta på?
      • Havsfolkets värld: Mutant Undergångens arvtagare - Ett nytt mutantsläkte tar dig till havets botten.
      • SS-kommando Amon Göth: Operation Fallen Reich - En dynamisk och konfliktspäckad enhet som kan stoppas in i scenarion nära fronten.
      • Sten och stål: Dvärgar i Saga - Läs om ett stolt folks kultur och seder och inspireras av äventyrsuppslagen.
      • Gränsrymden och djachroum: Coriolis - Denna 20 sidiga bilaga är framtagen till Coriolis – Horisontens ände och har bl a med en stjärnkarta över Gränsrymden.
      • Att skräddarsy sitt helvete - Skräck i rollspel blir bäst när mardrömmen görs personlig.
      • Butiksguiden
      • Äventyrsuppslag- 5 äventyrsfrön i historisk setting, som passar spel som En Garde!, Götterdämmerung och Krutrök och Sägner.


      • Book of the Dead
      • Galaxy of Intrigue
      • Shipyard
      • Savannah Tails
      • Axis & Allies 1942
      • A Touch of Evil – Hero Pack
      • Priests of Ra
      • Ticket to Ride - Europe 1912
      • Dungeon Lords
      • Talisman - The Frostmarch
      • Cyclades
      • Kingpin
      • Tulipmania 1637
      • Dice Town
      • Pony Express
      • Arcana
      • Magic – Worldwake
      • Set
      • Chaos Marauders
      • Bunny bunny moose moose
      • Once Upon a Time - Dark Tales
      • Thunderstone
      • Chrononauts
      • Achtung Panzer: Kharkow 1943
      • Rise of Prussia
      • Star Trek Online

      Birger Barbaren

      • Birger Barbaren hädar
      • Birger Barbaren mitt i naturen
      • Birger Barbaren et la révolution

        Price: $4.99

        Pro RPG Audio: Demon Canyon

        Pro RPG Audio: Demon CanyonPublisher: Plate Mail Games

        From: Non-KS

        Genre: Fantasy, Horror

        Format: Mp3 (320 kbps) and FLAC.

        Length: 10 minute loop

        Professional Golden Reel and Emmy-nominated sound designer Wes Otis brings you richly detailed audio for your tabletop games. They’re mixed to be played in the background, adding ambience to your storytelling, LARP or board game without being a distraction. Wes has taken his 30 years of game mastering experience and 15 years of post production experience to craft each location. Plate Mail Game professional audio tracks are the best background loops for your adventures. Combine them with our other tracks to score your entire campaign. Check out our other audio and PDFs by simply searching Plate Mail Games.

        Below is a demo of Wes' professional work.

        Price: $1.00

        Pro RPG Audio: Goddess Fountain

        Pro RPG Audio: Goddess FountainPublisher: Plate Mail Games

        Genre: Fantasy

        Format: Mp3 (320 kbps) and FLAC.

        Length: 10 minute loop

        Professional Golden Reel and Emmy-nominated sound designer Wes Otis brings you richly detailed audio for your tabletop games. They’re mixed to be played in the background, adding ambience to your storytelling, LARP or board game without being a distraction. Wes has taken his 30 years of game mastering experience and 15 years of post production experience to craft each location. Plate Mail Game professional audio tracks are the best background loops for your adventures. Combine them with our other tracks to score your entire campaign. Check out our other audio and PDFs by simply searching Plate Mail Games.

        Below is a demo of Wes' professional work.

        Price: $1.00

        Pro RPG Audio: Hag's Bog

        Pro RPG Audio: Hag's BogPublisher: Plate Mail Games

        From: Non-KS Track

        Genre: Fantasy

        Format: Mp3 (320 kbps) and FLAC.

        Length: 10 minute loop

        Professional Golden Reel and Emmy-nominated sound designer Wes Otis brings you richly detailed audio for your tabletop games. They’re mixed to be played in the background, adding ambience to your storytelling, LARP or board game without being a distraction. Wes has taken his 30 years of game mastering experience and 15 years of post production experience to craft each location. Plate Mail Game professional audio tracks are the best background loops for your adventures. Combine them with our other tracks to score your entire campaign. Check out our other audio and PDFs by simply searching Plate Mail Games.

        Below is a demo of Wes' professional work.

        Price: $1.00

        Pro RPG Audio: Dungeon Depths 1

        Pro RPG Audio: Dungeon Depths 1Publisher: Plate Mail Games

        Genre: Fantasy

        Format: Mp3 (320 kbps) and FLAC.

        Length: 10 minute loop

        Professional Golden Reel and Emmy-nominated sound designer Wes Otis brings you richly detailed audio for your tabletop games. They’re mixed to be played in the background, adding ambience to your storytelling, LARP or board game without being a distraction. Wes has taken his 30 years of game mastering experience and 15 years of post production experience to craft each location. Plate Mail Game professional audio tracks are the best background loops for your adventures. Combine them with our other tracks to score your entire campaign. Check out our other audio and PDFs by simply searching Plate Mail Games.

        Below is a demo of Wes' professional work.

        Price: $1.00

        Pro RPG Audio: Ash Choked Plains

        Pro RPG Audio: Ash Choked PlainsPublisher: Plate Mail Games

        From: Non-KS

        Genre: Fantasy

        Format: Mp3 (320 kbps) and FLAC. 

        Length: 10 minute loop

        Professional Golden Reel and Emmy-nominated sound designer Wes Otis brings you richly detailed audio for your tabletop games. They’re mixed to be played in the background, adding ambience to your storytelling, LARP or board game without being a distraction. Wes has taken his 30 years of game mastering experience and 15 years of post production experience to craft each location. Plate Mail Game professional audio tracks are the best background loops for your adventures. Combine them with our other tracks to score your entire campaign. Check out our other audio and PDFs by simply searching Plate Mail Games<o:p></o:p>

        Below is a demo of Wes' professional work.

        Price: $1.00

        Pro RPG Audio: Dungeon Depths 2

        Pro RPG Audio: Dungeon Depths 2Publisher: Plate Mail Games

        Genre: Fantasy

        Format: Mp3 (320 kbps) and FLAC.

        Length: 10 minute loop

        Professional Golden Reel and Emmy-nominated sound designer Wes Otis brings you richly detailed audio for your tabletop games. They’re mixed to be played in the background, adding ambience to your storytelling, LARP or board game without being a distraction. Wes has taken his 30 years of game mastering experience and 15 years of post production experience to craft each location. Plate Mail Game professional audio tracks are the best background loops for your adventures. Combine them with our other tracks to score your entire campaign. Check out our other audio and PDFs by simply searching Plate Mail Games.

        Below is a demo of Wes' professional work.

        Price: $1.00

        Hexed Places - Dead Rock Spires

        Hexed Places - Dead Rock SpiresPublisher: PBE Games

        Dead Rock Spires takes its name from the natural pillars and buttes that rise above the barren wastes. Ancient stone piles atop many of these prominences mark the neolithic barrows of an unknown race. Sour Creek, the only water source in this rocky desert, carries a poisonous stew of chemicals that coats the rocks along its banks with black and orange crystalline deposits. The poorly maintained cart track that runs along the northwest edge of Dead Rock Spires crosses Sour Creek at Kager's Bridge, a narrow span of dried-out wood and crumbling stone. The only other point of interest in this desolate region, aside from the barrows, is Yellow
        Cave. Bubbling mud pots and steam vents fill its narrow, twisting tunnels, and strange mineral deposits cover the cave walls.

        Price: $2.69


        BorderlandsPublisher: Chaosium

        The Duke Returns to Prax!

        A RuneQuest Campaign in Seven Scenarios

        This is a completely remastered version of the Borderlands boxed set into a single PDF. 

        The original boxed Borderlands supplement contained two referee’s booklets, seven separately bound scenarios, a 17”x 22” regional map, play-aids, and inserts.

        The Referee’s Handbook contains notes on referee and player functions, regional history, cultural/ecological background for the peoples along the River of Cradles, short studies of Duke Raus of Rone (holder of the Weis Domain) and his family and servitors, geographical information, magical items, and generic statistics for natural animals and unnatural monsters in the area. This book tells the referee how the land lays, giving him, or her, plenty of ammunition with which to answer player questions and elbow room by which to alter scenarios or to create new ones.

        The Seven Scenarios are arranged so that they form an extended adventure when played in sequence; any of them can be used individually with slight adjustments.

        • Scenario 1: Scouting the Land
        • Scenario 2: Outlaw Hunt
        • Scenario 3: Jezra’s Rescue
        • Scenario 4: Revenge of Muriah
        • Scenario 5: Five Eyes Temple
        • Scenario 6: Condor Crags
        • Scenario 7: To Giantland!

        The Encounters Book contains the individual NPC statistics used in the scenarios as well as various encounter charts. Monsters or NPCs specific to particular scenarios will be found in those scenarios. Statistics for Raus, Daine, and Daryli can be found in the Referee’s Handbook.

        The Raus Family

        The map of The Domain in the Referee’s Handbook shows the extent of the duke’s River of Cradles holding, with the land to either side from Vulture’s Country to Horn Gate, and from below the Sun Dome temple to above Corflu. Routes of travel should be plotted using this map.

        The play-aids at the end of this book include a copy of Daine’s Map and a copy of the map to the Fish Temple. A copy of the Duke’s Contract can be found in the Referee’s Handbook.

        Note: This is a fully-remastered PDF true to the original printing.

        Price: $14.99

        3D Printer Dungeons #1

        3D Printer Dungeons #1Publisher: Fat Dragon Games

        This set of 3D printable models was inspired by the Kobold section of the Sunless Citadel adventure.  The 25 included STLs include a doorway for a large curved room, add-on room with skeletons, alcoves with knights and orbs, dragon column and statue, a metal keg piped into the wall, multiple fire pits, a cage whose occupant busted out, a makeshift throne arranged out of nearby rubble, and more!

        Several additional models are included that allow for further variations in your 3D maps.

        Thumbnails of tiles in the set

        Recommended Print Settings:

        • Layer Size: 0.15mm, or 0.1mm for finer detail
        • Infill: 10% for all models recommended
        • Top/Bottom Layers: 6 (or 0.9mm if using a different layer size than 0.15mm)
        • Side Shell Count: 2 (or 0.8mm if using a different nozzle size than 0.4mm)
        • Raft/Brim/Supports: none
          • The dragon statue has a number of overhangs, but has been remixed to print without supports, and has been test printed successfully without supports.  The undersides of the various overhangs may need cleaning after printing for the best result.
        Price: $12.99

        I Want To Be A WIZARD! - Headmaster's Primer

        I Want To Be A WIZARD! - Headmaster's PrimerPublisher: Evil Robot Games

        Every Headmaster needs a little help, once in a while.

        Whether it’s dealing with the school bully, or figuring out the proper coursework for incoming First-Year Students, the Headmaster’s Primer has what you need!

        Included in the Primer are…

        * Your Frequently Asked Questions, answered!
        * Rules for Encounter Pacing and Experience Point Rewards!
        * A random Adventure Generator for quick-and-easy play!
        * The Barrow-Mann Academy Of Sorcery And The Supernatural, our example Magical Academy!

        and more!

        “The Headmaster’s Primer” is the Game Master’s supplement for “I Want To Be A Wizard!” and is produced by Atomic Rocket Games and Evil Robot Games.

        “I Want To Be A Wizard!” uses the Power Core RPG system, and is the perfect game for newer players, younger players, or experienced players who just need a change of pace.

        The Game requires: pencils, paper, character sheets, and a few six-sided dice per player. Scarves, wands, and robes are optional.

        Price: $4.99

        The Silver Box

        The Silver BoxPublisher: Storm Bunny Studios

        The Silver Box

        By Ben McFarland, Jaye Sonia, and Brian Suskind
        With Zach Bauer, Robert Fairbanks, and Andrew Harshman.

        The Silver Box is an adventure designed for 4-6 5th level characters.
        This version of The Silver Box is compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game 
        The Silver Box was a proud Design Camp Project.

        Design Camp Logo

        Price: $9.99

        Primal Paths

        Primal PathsPublisher: Onyx Path Publishing

        Learn Ancient Tricks in This Supplement for Shepherds and Strays

        Before the foundation of Pugmire and the Church of Man, dogs lived in small families roaming a dangerous, untamed wilderness. They did not know the Old Ones and searched for meaning from the world around them – from animals and the land itself. Rediscover these ancient ways in this collection of new tricks for shepherds and strays.

        What's Inside?

        • A look into ancient dogs' spiritual lives and suggests for what they mean in contemporary dog society to inspire your chronicle.
        • 2 new shepherd tricks that harness the power of natural magic: One with Animals and One with the Wild
        • 3 new stray tricks that tie the dog to a mystical totem: Bear, Eagle, and Snake Totems.
        • A printer friendly version for easy reference at your table.

        About the Author: Christopher Walz is the best-selling creator of The Midnight Revelry and An Ogre and His Cake, a children’s charity project, for the Dungeon Masters Guild. He began his journey through roleplaying games when he was 6 years old, looking at the pictures in his brother’s Monstrous Manual. When he isn’t writing or killing his players, he is trying to turn his son into a dungeon master and looking for trolls in the wilds of Central Kentucky.

        You can find my Dungeon Masters Guild work here.

        Follow me on Twitter @DMChristopherW!

        Price: $1.50

        The Things Lost to Time

        The Things Lost to TimePublisher: Stormforge Productions

        The Things Lost to Time is an OSR adventure that can easily be modified for any fantasy roleplaying game. It is an adventure for characters level one to three.

        Deep in a mine is an ancient vessel. Something so ancient, it sunk under the stone like mud. A vessel alien to this world, yet here longer than most of human history. Can the players harvest its strange technological bits before being disintegrated by deadly lasers? Or will they be enslaved by the odd pink aliens which have been unleashed on the world?

        This adventure requires a mouse-like mindset. Hide from the protectors of the vessel, or die. Monsters and hazards are quite dangerous, so a degree of stealth and cunning is necessary for the players to find their fortune.

          Price: $0.00


          SpectrumancerPublisher: Wayward Rogues Publishing

          The spectrumancer manipulates energy with a special emphasis on the electromagnetic spectrum. She starts with a photon ray and the ability to focus her concentration in one of three areas of the EM spectrum: ultraviolet, visible light, and infrared. As she advances she may learn to bend light’s other properties to her will, make it invisible, poison it through radiation, or turn its energy into solid matter.  She also manipulates light through spellcasting and knows all illusion spells appropriate to her level. Advanced spectrumancers may learn other spells that mimic light’s properties.

          A 1-20 character class option compatible with your Starfinder game!

          New Spells!

          New Feats!

          Written by Scott Janke

          Price: $3.99

          Earth Pig: A Monster for 5th Edition

          Earth Pig: A Monster for 5th EditionPublisher: Skirmisher Publishing

          In honor of the lunar Chinese New Year, Skirmisher Publishing is proud to announce the release of the “Earth Pig: A Monster for 5th Edition”! 

          Earth Pigs are elemental beasts that look like cute, chubby, hairless swine with large ears that move with a waddling gait and which might be gray, brown, or yellow in color and have hooves, teeth, and tusks of agate. They are especially valued for their ability to find valuable things, and are thus often kept as pets, animal companions, or guards by Earth-dwelling beings like Dao. They tend to be friendly toward creatures that do not appear to be dangerous or hostile, but will quickly turn on or flee from those that spook or harm them. 

          Happy Chinese New Year! We very much hope you enjoy the Earth Pig. 

          Price: $0.50

          us and Them

          us and ThemPublisher: Jacqueline Bryk

          A ritual larp about those who followed the monsters during the apocalypse, designed by a trauma survivor. With thanks to Stephen Dewey from Cavalry Games.

          Five years ago, the world ended.

          None of us were heroes. We were outcasts: the disabled, the traumatized, the broken, the mad. No one would ever tell stories about us.

          The world ended quietly, differently, for all of us. We all saw a different end, through different eyes. What did you see?

          Price: $2.99

          CSC Stock Art Presents: Tactical Helm

          CSC Stock Art Presents: Tactical HelmPublisher: Cobalt Sages Creations

          This stock art image by Daniele Ariuolo depicts a helm

          In your purchase, you'll receive 1 PNG file. If you are in need of another format, please contact us!

          Price: $3.25
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