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V1 The Vampire's Curse

V1 The Vampire's CursePublisher: Pacesetter Games & Simulations

The Vampire’s Curse is an adventure designed for the OSRIC / First Edition Advanced Game System. The level range is 3rd to 5th level using 4 – 7 characters or approximately 24 character levels (example: 6 – 4th level characters = 24 character levels). No specific char-acter class is required. However, due to the nature of this scenario, some magic items or spells may be lim-ited or eliminated.

The Vampire’s Curse, contrarily, has nothing to do
5 Pacesetter Games & Simulations © 2013
The Vampire’s Curse - Module ADV1
with an actual vampire. The title references an obscure magic item that will be employed by the villain to con-duct his nefarious scheme. The title of the module is only the first is a series of clues meant to deceive the players as they progress through this adventure.
To start this adventure, the PCs will be arriving at a Northwood Keep to celebrate the just-completed mar-riage of an old friend. The ceremony was held two days earlier. This celebration is the last in a series and doz-ens of guests are arriving with the PCs for the festivi-ties. The marriage, while not pre-arranged, has joined to small provincial kingdoms. Princess Nelvanna, the PCs’ friend, has married Prince Redak.

Price: $4.00

V5 Palace of the Vampire Queen: Castle Blood

V5 Palace of the Vampire Queen: Castle BloodPublisher: Pacesetter Games & Simulations

She is simply called the Vampire Queen. A being so powerful and evil that the mere mention of her title,
raises shrieks of horror and anguish. Her reach is seemingly infinite and her machinations sinister beyond the un-derstanding of mortal men. But those very same mortals must stop her. The path to victory leads to only one place. A place of legend and mystery; the Palace of the Vampire Queen!
For the first time the ruined Palace Keep is detailed and ready for exploration!
The adventure includes one new monster and two new magic items.
This module is designed for the First Edition game using six to eight characters of first level.

Price: $3.00

Clipart Critters 509 - Red Dragon

Clipart Critters 509 - Red DragonPublisher: Postmortem Studios

Does any player's blood not run cold when their character is confronted with a battle-scarred but still dangerous Red Dragon? Thought not...

Subject to the included license information. Printed size will be up to 2125 x 2850 pixels (3.6" wide by 4.75" tall) as a generous 600 ppi layered TIFF, for ease of placement in your documents! Included are a grayscale version and a lo-rez version for easy online advertising.

This artwork is copyright (C) 2019 Bradley K McDevitt. You can use this image in commercial or fan projects, however you may not publish it as clip art. Any company that uses images from 'Clip Art Critters' is required to place the artist's name amongst the credits.

Price: $5.00

V6 Palace of the Vampire Queen: Crypts of the Living

V6 Palace of the Vampire Queen: Crypts of the LivingPublisher: Pacesetter Games & Simulations

She is simply called the Vampire Queen. A being so powerful and evil that the mere mention of her title,
raises shrieks of horror and anguish. Her reach is seemingly infinite and her machinations sinister beyond the un-derstanding of mortal men. But those very same mortals must stop her. The path to victory leads to only one place. A place of legend and mystery; the Palace of the Vampire Queen!
Palace of the Vampire Queen: Crypts of the Living is the second adventure in the Vampire Queen saga.
This module details the first underground level of the palace
and includes three new monsters and four new magic items.
This adventure is designed for the First Edition game using six to eight characters of second to third level.

Price: $4.00

V12 Dwarven Glory: Thunder in the Deep

V12 Dwarven Glory: Thunder in the DeepPublisher: Pacesetter Games & Simulations

Mortoc the orc king – better known as the Plunderer – was victorious. He surprised the dwarves in their mine and his army of orcs, goblins, and ogres slew all in their path. Bolstered by the vilest of mercenaries, the Plunderer lived up to his name and in a gory frenzy, looted the complex with a reckless abandon. Against his warning, mercenaries desecrated the dwarven temple and Mortoc feared retribution. Furthermore, a regiment of his finest Slag Orcs discovered a massive chamber – sealed by the dwarves – that was shrouded in an unnatural darkness. Only the screams of orc invaders escaped the chamber and a palpable sense of evil filled the low-est levels of the mine. Mortoc gathered his minions and fled. But not all followed. Most of the mercenaries refused to leave as they knew many of the dwarven treasure vaults had yet to be pillaged. An entire battalion of Mire Orcs also refused to leave – their hatred of the dwarves was beyond obsessive and they would find and slay those dwarves that hid within the secret places of the mine.
Thunder in the Deep is the second of a five module series that expands the The Dwarven Glory adventure kit; originally produced by Wee Warriors. Each module focuses on one of the five “levels” of the mine, becoming successively more difficult.

Price: $4.00

V11 Dwarven Glory: Curse of the Violators

V11 Dwarven Glory: Curse of the ViolatorsPublisher: Pacesetter Games & Simulations

Mortoc the orc king – better known as the Plunderer – was victorious. He surprised the dwarves in their mine and his army of orcs, goblins, and ogres slew all in their path. Bolstered by the vilest of mercenaries, the Plunderer lived up to his name and in a gory frenzy, looted the complex with a reckless abandon. Against his warning, mercenaries desecrated the dwarven temple and Mortoc feared retribution. Furthermore, a regiment of his finest Slag Orcs discovered a massive chamber – sealed by the dwarves – that was shrouded in an unnatural darkness. Only the screams of orc invaders escaped the chamber and a palpable sense of evil filled the low-est levels of the mine. Mortoc gathered his minions and fled. But not all followed. Most of the mercenaries refused to leave as they knew many of the dwarven treasure vaults had yet to be pillaged. An entire battalion of Mire Orcs also refused to leave – their hatred of the dwarves was beyond obsessive and they would find and slay those dwarves that hid within the secret places of the mine.
Curse of the Violators is the first of a five module series that expands the The Dwarven Glory adventure kit; originally pro-duced by Wee Warriors. Each module focuses on one of the five “levels” of the mine, becoming successively more difficult.
Curse of the Violators is an adventure for eight characters of first to second level
using the First Edition game rules.

Price: $4.00

Die Wracks in der Bucht (Entlang der Küste 3/3)

Die Wracks in der Bucht (Entlang der Küste 3/3)Publisher: Donnerhaus

Die Wracks in der Bucht

Als wir das Ruderboot ausgleiten ließen, sahen wir auch, was der Grund war, weshalb das mächtige Schiff nicht in das Eigentum des Meeres übergegangen war, obwohl die Segel der umgeknickten Masten sich mit Wasser vollgesaugt hatten. Die Fulminante lag auf einer Sandbank, die sich trügerisch wie eine missgünstige Nymphe unter der Oberfläche des klaren, aquamarinfarbenen Wassers verborgen hielt…“

In einer einsamen Bucht auf der Isla Paragoja liegt die Fulminante auf Grund. Der mächtige Dreimaster ist verlassen. Am Strand haben einige der Überlebenden sich aus Segeltuch und hölzernen Wrackteilen einen Unterstand gebaut.

Die Einheimischen haben das Wrack geplündert und einige der Seeleute gefangen genommen. Einige Haie treiben sich unter der Wasseroberfläche herum und warten auf Beute.

Wie geht es weiter mit der Fulminante? Kann man sie reparieren oder ist sie für alle Zeiten verloren? Was wird aus den entführten Matrosen?

Die Wracks in der Bucht Preview Collage

Du hast das Kommando

Das Wrack der Fulminante und die Bucht drumherum bietet viele Möglichkeiten für Abenteuer und Geschichten. Warum nicht einen spanischen Schatztransport daraus machen? Vielleicht ist es auch das Schiff von Piraten, die losgezogen sind, neue Masten aufzutreiben.

Das Schiff kann auch der Startpunkt einer Kampagne sein! Noch ist das Schiff nicht verloren. Wenn man es mit viel Aufwand repariert und instandsetzt, könnte es das neue Schiff deiner Spielergruppe sein, die damit ihre Seereise beginnen können.

Nutze die Beschreibungen aus Jannasaras Reisetagebüchern oder beschrifte die Karte selbst, um deine eigenen Geschichten zu erträumen.

Plane eine Seereise!

Diese Karte ist Teil der Kartenserie „Entlang der Küste“. Plane eine Seereise, die dich an Schloss Ravalonne, dem versteckten Schmugglernest und einem mächtigen Wrack in einer Bucht vorbeiführt! Dabei helfen dir die stimmigen Beschreibungen, um die Atmosphäre einer Seereise aufzusaugen. Sie werden dich mit Inspiration und Ideen für Abenteuer versorgen.

Das Paket enthält:

  • Eine Karte der Bucht mit dem Wrack der Fulminante in A4 mit Legende in voller Druckqualität (300 DPI).

  • Eine unbeschriftete Version der Karte und eine leere Legende, damit du die Buch mit dem Wrack selbst gestalten oder den Ort gleich ganz umbenennen kannst.

  • Die Karte als *.JPG-Datei in 150 DPI Auflösung, beispielsweise, um sie als Handout beim Online-Spiel zu verwenden.

  • Eine stimmige Beschreibung von Jannasaras Besuch auf dem Wrack und was sie dort gefunden hat. Erfahre alles über das Schiff und lass dich inspirieren.

  • Mehrere Abenteuervorschläge, für die du diese Karte verwenden kannst.

Noch unsicher?

Unsere Karte des verwüsteten Dörfchens Kuszów ist als „Pay what you want“ verfügbar. Schau es dir darum einfach selbst an und entscheide, ob dir unsere Karten gefallen!

Unsere "Pay what you want"-Karten

Price: $4.01

Das Schmugglernest im Fjord (Entlang der Küste 2/3)

Das Schmugglernest im Fjord (Entlang der Küste 2/3)Publisher: Donnerhaus

Das Schmugglernest im Fjord

Unser Bootsführer navigierte ohne zu zögern durch die Dunkelheit zwischen den Klippen und felsigen Inselchen hindurch. Es war absolut klar, dass man ohne ortskundigen Führer hier nur mit viel Aufwand sicher an Land kam, denn links und rechts des schmalen Bootes konnte ich scharfkantige Steine aus dem Wasser aufragen sehen, an denen sich die Wellen klatschend brachen. Die Bucht verbreiterte sich und schloss in einem abgeschiedenen kleinen Hafen ab, den man von der See her nicht einmal erahnen konnte. Dafür sorgten die zerklüfteten Felsgrate, auf denen die knorrigen Bäume in der Seebrise sich wiegten…“

An den steinernen Küsten fernab der Zivilisation befindet sich die Klause eines alten Eremiten. Er wacht über die Zufahrt zum Hafen der Schmugglerbande, die im Bauernhof haust.

Diebesgut wird hier umgeschlagen und der königliche Zoll um seine Münzen betrogen. Immer wieder verschlägt es auch Rebellen, Revoluzzer und Möchtegerngroße hierher, um Geschäfte mit Agenten aus fernen Ländern anzubahnen oder konspirative Treffen abzuhalten.

Das Schmugglernest im Fjord Preview Collage

Du bist Meister der Küste!

Die Fjordküste bietet Platz für deine Abenteuerideen. Was befindet sich in der Kaverne unter dem Berg, die man nur mit einem Ruderboot erreicht? Wer ist der Bewohner der Eremitage, vielleicht eine politische Geisel?

Die versteckte Bucht kann aber auch ebenso gut im Zweiten Weltkrieg norwegische Widerstandskämpfer beherbergen!

Nutze die Beschreibungen aus Jannasaras Reisetagebüchern oder beschrifte die Karte selbst, um deine eigenen Geschichten zu erträumen.

Plane eine Seereise!

Diese Karte ist Teil der Kartenserie „Entlang der Küste“. Plane eine Seereise, die dich an Schloss Ravalonne, dem versteckten Schmugglernest und einem mächtigen Wrack in einer Bucht vorbeiführt! Dabei helfen dir die stimmigen Beschreibungen, um die Atmosphäre einer Seereise aufzusaugen. Sie werden dich mit Inspiration und Ideen für Abenteuer versorgen.

Das Paket enthält:

  • Eine Karte der Fjordküste und dem Schmugglernest in A4 mit Legende in voller Druckqualität (300 DPI).

  • Eine unbeschriftete Version der Karte und eine leere Legende, damit du die Landschaft selbst gestalten oder den Ort gleich ganz umbenennen kannst.

  • Die Karte als *.JPG-Datei in 150 DPI Auflösung, beispielsweise, um sie als Handout beim Online-Spiel zu verwenden.

  • Eine stimmige Beschreibung von Jannasaras Aufeinandertreffen mit den Schmugglern und was sie dort gesehen hat. Erfahre alles über die Küste und lass dich inspirieren.

  • Mehrere Abenteuervorschläge, für die du diese Karte verwenden kannst.

Noch unsicher?

Unsere Karte des verwüsteten Dörfchens Kuszów ist als „Pay what you want“ verfügbar. Schau es dir darum einfach selbst an und entscheide, ob dir unsere Karten gefallen!

Unsere "Pay what you want"-Karten

Price: $4.01

Das Schloss auf den Klippen (Entlang der Küste 1/3)

Das Schloss auf den Klippen (Entlang der Küste 1/3)Publisher: Donnerhaus

Das Schloss auf den Klippen

Im hintersten Winkel der Ebene ragten die trutzigen Mauern von Château Ravalonne-sur-falaise auf. Der Herrensitz stand dort mahnend und schaute wachend über das Land. Wie ein strenger Vater ruhte sein Blick auf seinen Untertanen und der Weite des Meeres. Je näher ich dem Schlösschen kam, desto deutlicher konnte ich das Rauschen der blauen See vernehmen, deren dunkle und rauen Wasser gegen die steilen Klippen brandeten…“

Weitab vom Schuss an der Steilklippe steht Ravalonne. Die Herren von Ravalonne haben schon vor langer Zeit ihr zugige Festung gegen ein angenehmes Schloss getauscht. Nur die alten Mauern zeugen noch von der alten Wehrhaftigkeit. In der Bibliothek des Schlosses finden sich vergessene Folianten und altes Wissen. Unter den Klippen tut sich ein Netzwerk von Kavernen auf, das so manches Geheimnis verbirgt.

Doch der Schlossherr hat keine Zeit für die Erkundung oder das Lesen alter Bücher. Die Geldnot hat ihn dazu gebracht, sich mit zwielichtige Gestalten einzulassen. Die Geschäfte mit den Schmugglern können nur Ärger bedeuten.

Das Schloss auf den Klippen Preview Collage

Gestalte dein eigenes Schloss

Die Karte von Ravalonne bietet viel Platz für Abenteuer, egal ob Horrorgeschichten im Stile Lovecrafts, Abenteuer in der Zeit des Barock oder Fantasy-Erzählungen im Stil des Mittelalters.

Nutze die Beschreibungen aus Jannasaras Reisetagebüchern oder beschrifte die Karte selbst, um deine eigenen Geschichten zu erträumen.

Plane eine Seereise!

Diese Karte ist Teil der Kartenserie „Entlang der Küste“. Plane eine Seereise, die dich an Schloss Ravalonne, dem versteckten Schmugglernest und einem mächtigen Wrack in einer Bucht vorbeiführt! Dabei helfen dir die stimmigen Beschreibungen, um die Atmosphäre einer Seereise aufzusaugen. Sie werden dich mit Inspiration und Ideen für Abenteuer versorgen.

Das Paket enthält:

  • Eine Karte von Schloss Ravalonne und dem Dorf in A4 mit Legende in voller Druckqualität (300 DPI).

  • Eine unbeschriftete Version der Karte und eine leere Legende, damit du dein eigenes Ravalonne gestalten oder den Ort gleich ganz umbenennen kannst.

  • Die Karte als *.JPG-Datei in 150 DPI Auflösung, beispielsweise, um sie als Handout beim Online-Spiel zu verwenden.

  • Eine stimmige Beschreibung von Jannasaras Aufenthalt in Ravalonne. Erfahre alles über das Schloss und lass dich inspirieren.

  • Mehrere Abenteuervorschläge, für die du diese Karte verwenden kannst.

Noch unsicher?

Unsere Karte des verwüsteten Dörfchens Kuszów ist als „Pay what you want“ verfügbar. Schau es dir darum einfach selbst an und entscheide, ob dir unsere Karten gefallen!

Unsere "Pay what you want"-Karten

Price: $4.01

Dead Things: The RPG

Dead Things: The RPGPublisher: DCS

Dead Things the RPG is the role playing game for the Dead Things Universe. Using the Microlite rules tweaked for the Dead Things story line you will be able to create a character with a detailed back ground.

Price: $0.10

Elemental-Kin of Porphyra

Elemental-Kin of PorphyraPublisher: Purple Duck Games

The Legacy of the Genies- Elemental-Kin of Porphyra!

In the days of the Zendik Order and the rule of the Elemental Lords of the Six Elements, mortals were favored with the children of the genies of Air, Earth, Fire, Metal, Water and Wood, or even of the Lords themselves. These native outsiders were known as the elemental-kin, and the deeds they accomplished and the passions they pursued are the stuff of legends in the latter age of Porphyra!

Perry Fehr’s Elemental-Kin of Porphyra published by Purple Duck Games contains all you need to play one of these enigmatic races in the Porphyra Roleplaying Game. Familiar races like the sylphs, oread, ifrit and undine are joined by the metallic vithr and the wooden khashabi,and all are specified to the Poprhyra setting! Racial characteristic, alternatives, archetypes, feats, spells, magic items and more are all provided for your ease of play, and lots of background to play in the Lands of Porphyra setting, in the Porphyra Roleplaying Game.

So rush to get your copy of Elemental-Kin of Porphyra from the primitive printers at Purple Duck Games, where our games are what you want!

Price: $4.99

Solo Char-Monk Traveller

Solo Char-Monk TravellerPublisher: Shaman's Stock Art

Shaman's Stockart is back on the freelance market. Send email for quotes. shaman.stockart@gmail.com

follow at instagram   



The artwork is about a 3000 pixel high, layered PSD. 

License Agreement

- You may use these art resource for any independant projects (books, web, game, ect)
for profit.

- You cannot claim intellectual propriety on the designs. (E.G; Creating a 3d model based off a design for a game.)

- You cannot use the art as the sole focus of a product (E.G; selling T-shirt with the art printed on)

- If you are NOT an independant creator, or represent a company that makes 150000$ yearly and more in net profit,
there is a special licence fee. Email shaman.stockart@gmail.com to make a querry.

-You are authorized to alter/modify the content of the purchased art resource.

-You must credit the artist (Anthony Cournoyer) for any use of its content.

-You cannot resell this artpack as stockart.






Price: $1.99

Sci-fi Map Pack #4: Alien Landscape

Sci-fi Map Pack #4: Alien LandscapePublisher: Luminous Design

Full Color High Resolution 300 DPI 4000x4000 px Sci-Fi Art Background PNG and PDF Format Hex Maps.  All of the maps are perfect for Sci-Fi Rpg's Sci-fi Military War Games, Super Hero Games Or Any Sci-Fi Genre.

Price: $0.00

Orc Warrior 1 Stock Art

Orc Warrior 1 Stock ArtPublisher: Jeremy Hart
Price: $2.00

Seafoot Games - Mine (Abyss) | 20x30 Battlemap

Seafoot Games - Mine (Abyss) | 20x30 BattlemapPublisher: Seafoot Games

Mine (Abyss)

Mines are hardy things. Some can be prosperous, others—abandoned. But are the rewards worth the risk that can come from digging too deep?


Adventure Seeds

  • Something terrible lurks within these dark caverns, awakened from the abyss. Long ago it slaughtered all the miners, and only the brave—or the foolish—have entered since.
  • You have been sent to recover precious notes of a scholar, who was studying a rare and little understood creature in the mines, before something larger, and more terrible, emerged—making entrance dangerous. He only survived as he was out of the mines at the time, but now can’t bear to lose his life’s work.
  • A plague ravages the nearby village, and they have sent you to try find its mysterious source in the mines. Unknown to them, its source is a demon who was awakened from his slumber, and in vengeance has cast a curse down on the surviving villagers.

What You Will Receive

A home-printable 20x30 battlemap, compatible with any role-play game, and VTTs such as Roll20.

Download Contains
Home-printable, A4 .PDF of the gridded map at 300dpi, spread over several pages.
300dpi .JPEGs of the map for A1 poster printing or VTT.
72dpi .JPEGs of the map for VTTs.

Map image

Map image

If you enjoyed any of our maps, please leave a review below—or tell us what you’d like to see in the comments!

Find us on Facebook or Patreon to receive updates on new titles and more.

Price: $1.50

Nanotech [BUNDLE]

Nanotech [BUNDLE]Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
This special 50% off bundle contains all four of the bestselling "Nanotechnology" issues of the versatile Wisdom from the  Wastelands sourcebook for modern, sci-fi, and post-apocalyptic RPGs! Their contents are stat'ed for the "Basic" version of the OGL/d20 RPG system and can be used as-is or easily adapted for use with any related systems or other ones altogether. 

Wisdom from the Wastelands Issue #28: Nanotechnology I
Regular price: $0.99
Bundle price:
Nanotechnology has existed since the late 20th century. At first, the tiny machines were used mostly in medicine and genetic manipulation, but technological advances brought wider application. Many of these breakthroughs helped make the Ancients’ lives easier, but others became microscopic dogs of war, let slip to wreak havoc and destruction. The first in our series on nanotechnology, this issue focuses on how the concept might work in your campaign. It introduces the necessary game mechanics and provides a few example nanites to illustrate the technology at play.  One of the most entertaining aspects of a post-apocalyptic RPG is the many sorts of artifacts. Mutant Future and other popular post-apocalyptic role-playing game rules have decent rules for figuring out and ...

Wisdom from the Wastelands Issue #30: Nanotechnology II
Regular price: $0.99
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Nanotechnology has existed since the late 20th century. At first, the tiny machines were used mostly in medicine and genetic manipulation, but technological advances brought wider application. Many of these breakthroughs helped make the Ancients’ lives easier, but others became microscopic dogs of war, let slip to wreak havoc and destruction. This issue features a host of tiny tools and toys you can use to spice your Mutant Future games. Wisdom from the Wastelands is dedicated to providing useful information, game content, and ideas to players of modern, science fiction, and post-apocalyptic table-top and role-playing games in general and to fans of Goblinoid Games’ Mutant Future RPG in particular. The material it contains are compatible with it and any ...

Wisdom from the Wastelands Issue #31: Nanotechnology III
Regular price: $0.99
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Continuing with the examination of this hi-tech subject that we started in issues #28 and #30 of Wisdom from the Wastelands, this third installment in our nanotechnology series presents many new nanites and a new terror weapon, the Converted, that Mutant Lords can unleash upon their players. Nanotechnology has existed since the late 20th century. At first, the tiny machines were used mostly in medicine and genetic manipulation, but technological advances brought wider application. Many of these breakthroughs helped make the Ancients’ lives easier, but others became microscopic dogs of war, let slip to wreak havoc and destruction.  Wisdom from the Wastelands is dedicated to providing useful information, game content, and ideas to players of modern, science fictio...

Wisdom from the Wastelands Issue #52: Nanotech Undead
Regular price: $2.99
Bundle price:
In the Ancients’ movies and literature, undead were often created by magic, curses, or other supernatural phenomena. The hideous and terrifying creatures now stalking the wastelands are closer to another theme from the ancestors’ popular culture: technology run amuck, the escaped infectious creations of mad scientists. But the Ancient biotech engineers were not usually mad, and the infections did not escape. Instead, it was much, much worse: undead were born as nanite terror weapons, and intentionally used.  This expanded issue of Wisdom from the Wastelands contains 25 fully described and stat’ed horrifying undead monsters created through a combination of technology and biology, and discusses their general traits; transmission, incubation, and treatment; and ...

Total value: $5.96 Special bundle price: $2.99 Savings of: $2.97 (50%)
Price: $5.96

Village Backdrop: Brackendale (System Neutral)

Village Backdrop: Brackendale (System Neutral)Publisher: Raging Swan Press

A System Neutral GM’s Resource supplement by Steve Hood

Brackendale was once a bustling borderland village beset by savage humanoids lurking in the nearby woods and hills. Then, the village was a busy place and wandering adventurers, sellswords and mercenaries were a common sight on its streets. The arrival of the Six—a band of adventurers charged with securing the village’s environs—changed all that. Their annihilation of the goblin and orc raiders along with the completion of extensive defensives work brought peace and security to Brackendale.

But peace it seems had a price. With nothing to hunt adventurers passed by without stopping at the village; the village traders and merchants sold less and less each year and most now barely scrape a living. Now disgruntled villagers resent the adventurers that once brought peace to their little village.

Village Backdrops are short, richly detailed supplements that each present a single village ready to insert into almost any home campaign. Perfect for use as a waystop on the road to adventure, as an adventure site themselves or as a PC’s home, Village Backdrop present the details so the busy GM can focus on crafting exciting, compelling adventures.
For free samples head over to Raging Swan's website

This product is a Dual Format PDF. The downloadable ZIP file contains two versions, one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad.

Price: $3.45

Village Backdrop: Brackendale (Pathfinder)

Village Backdrop: Brackendale (Pathfinder)Publisher: Raging Swan Press

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM’s Resource supplement by Steve Hood

Brackendale was once a bustling borderland village beset by savage humanoids lurking in the nearby woods and hills. Then, the village was a busy place and wandering adventurers, sellswords and mercenaries were a common sight on its streets. The arrival of the Six—a band of adventurers charged with securing the village’s environs—changed all that. Their annihilation of the goblin and orc raiders along with the completion of extensive defensives work brought peace and security to Brackendale.

But peace it seems had a price. With nothing to hunt adventurers passed by without stopping at the village; the village traders and merchants sold less and less each year and most now barely scrape a living. Now disgruntled villagers resent the adventurers that once brought peace to their little village.

Village Backdrops are short, richly detailed supplements that each present a single village ready to insert into almost any home campaign. Perfect for use as a waystop on the road to adventure, as an adventure site themselves or as a PC’s home, Village Backdrop present the details so the busy GM can focus on crafting exciting, compelling adventures.
For free samples head over to Raging Swan's website

This product is a Dual Format PDF. The downloadable ZIP file contains two versions, one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad.

Price: $3.45

Village Backdrop: Brackendale (5e)

Village Backdrop: Brackendale (5e)Publisher: Raging Swan Press

A 5e GM’s Resource supplement by Steve Hood

Brackendale was once a bustling borderland village beset by savage humanoids lurking in the nearby woods and hills. Then, the village was a busy place and wandering adventurers, sellswords and mercenaries were a common sight on its streets. The arrival of the Six—a band of adventurers charged with securing the village’s environs—changed all that. Their annihilation of the goblin and orc raiders along with the completion of extensive defensives work brought peace and security to Brackendale.

But peace it seems had a price. With nothing to hunt adventurers passed by without stopping at the village; the village traders and merchants sold less and less each year and most now barely scrape a living. Now disgruntled villagers resent the adventurers that once brought peace to their little village.

Village Backdrops are short, richly detailed supplements that each present a single village ready to insert into almost any home campaign. Perfect for use as a waystop on the road to adventure, as an adventure site themselves or as a PC’s home, Village Backdrop present the details so the busy GM can focus on crafting exciting, compelling adventures.
For free samples head over to Raging Swan's website

This product is a Dual Format PDF. The downloadable ZIP file contains two versions, one optimised for printing and use on a normal computer and one optimised for use on a mobile device such as an iPad.

Price: $3.45

Tunnel Passage and Deadend Set A (T89-118A)

Tunnel Passage and Deadend Set A (T89-118A)Publisher: Safatti Games

The Tunnel Passage and Deadend group of Naked Geomorphs contains 30 tiles, each with a pair of connected tunnel entrances (T), another deadend tunnel entrance (T) , and rock (R) at the three remaining positions.  Sets A and B are completely interchangeable.  I.e., tile T89A can be replaced with tile T89B, without changing the basic structure of your map.  Set A has narrower tunnels than set B, with lots of one-hex-wide passages, small to medium galleries, and a fair amount of deadend branching.

Price: $4.50
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