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Kompletne Neon Lights [BUNDLE]

Kompletne Neon Lights [BUNDLE]Publisher: Skavenloft
This special bundle product contains the following titles.

Neon Lights
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Gdy zabrakło blasku słońca, ludzkość schroniła się w gigantycznych metropoliach rozświetlonych milionami neonów. Bohaterowie nowej ery wykorzystują najnowocześniejszą technologię, by przy dźwiękach elektronicznej muzyki stawiać czoła cyborgom, mutantom, sekciarzom i agentom wszechwładnych korporacji. Mroczna przyszłość jeszcze nigdy nie była tak kolorowa! Neon Lights to szybka i prosta gra fabularna oparta o zasady gry Fajerbol, pozwalająca uczestnikom na pokierowanie losami dzielnych poszukiwaczy przygód w pełnym niebezpieczeństw i potworów świecie inspirowanym cyberpunkiem oraz estetyką vaporwave. Podręcznik zawiera wszystkie zasady niezbędne do przeprowadzenia rozgrywki, w tym pięć ras (człowiek, android, cyborg, morlok i mutant) i pi...

Neon Lights (Printer Friendly)
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
PLIK W PRZYJAZNEJ DRUKARKOM WERSJI Z BIAŁYM TŁEM Gdy zabrakło blasku słońca, ludzkość schroniła się w gigantycznych metropoliach rozświetlonych milionami neonów. Bohaterowie nowej ery wykorzystują najnowocześniejszą technologię, by przy dźwiękach elektronicznej muzyki stawiać czoła cyborgom, mutantom, sekciarzom i agentom wszechwładnych korporacji. Mroczna przyszłość jeszcze nigdy nie była tak kolorowa! Neon Lights to szybka i prosta gra fabularna oparta o zasady gry Fajerbol, pozwalająca uczestnikom na pokierowanie losami dzielnych poszukiwaczy przygód w pełnym niebezpieczeństw i potworów świecie inspirowanym cyberpunkiem oraz estetyką vaporwave. Podręcznik zawiera wszystkie zasady niezbędne do przeprowadzenia rozgrywki, w tym pięć ra...

Neon Lights - Przygoda - Szklana Wieża
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
William Parker musi umrzeć. Dlaczego? Każdy ma swoje powody. Grupa zdeterminowanych zabójców wdziera się do korporacyjnego wieżowca, by wyeliminować ofiarę. Czy odniosą sukces? Gotowy do gry scenariusz misji, którą uczestnicy mogą rozegrać, korzystając z zasad gry Neon Lights. Zawiera komplet gotowych do gry postaci, kompletny opis misji, którą przyjdzie im podjąć, miejsc, które odwiedzą, potworów, które spotkają na swojej drodze oraz wyzwań, którym będą musieli podołać, aby odnieść sukces. Scenariusz przeznaczony jest dla 3-5 uczestników i w zalezności od konkretnej grupy użytkowników może zająć 1 do 2 spotkań trwających po 2-3 godziny każde. Do gry niezbędny jest podręcznik podstawowy...

Neon Lights - Hong Kong
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Dodatek do Neon Lights prezentujący sytuację w futurystycznej wersji Hong-Kongu, gdzie rozkwitają tradycyjne sztuki walki, wykorzystywane przez lokalnych mścicieli do radzenia sobie z panującym w mieście korporacyjnym reżimem. Świetne wzbogacenie i urozmaicenie gry w Neon Lights, pozwalające w prosty sposób wprowadzić do niej nowe materiały i dłużej cieszyć się rozgrywką. Podręcznik wprowadza do gry cztery rody wywodzące się od szlachetnych przodków (Jaganaran, Ranava, Wun Sukong i Yukubi), cztery nowe szkoły walki prowadzone przez czcigodnych mistrzów (Mistrz Te ze szkoły Żelaznej Pięści, Mistrz Khol, stąpający po śladach Satthvabodiego, Mistrz Dhaar ze świątyni Boga-Słonia i Mistrzyni Linghun z niebiańskiej góry), ośm...

Neon Lights - Laserowa Kobra
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Dodatek pozwalający wprowadzić do gry grupę przeciwników, z którymi będą mogli zmierzyć się bohaterowie graczy w trakcie podjętej misji. Przedstawia frakcję Laserowej Kobry - bezwzględnych przestępców siejących terror na ulicach miasta. Grupa ta może zostać wykorzystana do jednorazowego spotkania albo jako znacząca i groźna organizacja, z którą awanturnicy będą mierzyć się w czasie dłuższej przygody....

Neon Lights - Nowe miejsca
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Dodatek do Neon Lights pozwalający uczestnikom an wprowadzenie do gry sześciu nowych miejsc, które mogą zastąpić regiony opisane w podręczniku podstawowym (blasznay most, wielka maszyna, VCity, wysypisko, strefa cienia i swiątynia neonów). Świetny sposób na przedłużenie i urozmaicenie rozgrywki przez wprowadzenie nowych krajobrazów i powiązanych z nimi reguł....

Neon Lights - Specjalne Przybytki
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Dodatek do Neon Lights pozwalający na wprowadzenie nowych rodzajów przybytków, z których awanturnicy będą mogli skorzystać podczas pobytu w bezpiecznej przystani. Świetne urozmaicenie rozgrywki, pozwalające ukazać ogrom megalopolis i poziom zróżnicowania dostępnych w nim usług. Zawiera opisy następujących przybytków: - wadliwy automat handlowy, - lombard, - tajemniczy handlarz, - biobroker, - moder genetyczny, - doktorek, - automat medyczny, - rosyjska neoruletka, - rekombinator fuzyjny....

Neon Lights - Speed of Sound
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Dodatek pozwalający na sttworzenie i wykorzystanie w trakcie gry pojazdów dla postaci graczy i ich przeciwników. Błyszczące neonami o potężnych silnikach i zaawansowanym uzbrojeniu mkną ulicami pogrążonych w roku miast budząc podziw i pożądanie. Dodatek prezentuje pięć rodzajów (osobowy, transportowy, eksperymentalny i zdezelowany), pięć klas (turbowóz, pancernik, ślizgacz, lanser i cywilny), trzy nowe przybytki dedykowane naprawie i tuningowaniu pojazdów, czternastu nowych przeciwników (od mechanicznego pojazdu-pająka, przez motogangstera aż po demona prędkości) i kartę pojazdu uzupełniającą standardową kartę postaci....

Neon Lights - Tokio
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Dawna stolica krainy wschodzącego słońca w obliczu ciemności jakie ogarnęły ziemię, zachowała się niczym trzcina na wietrze. Ugięła się, lecz nie złamała. Dodatek do gry Neon Lights umożliwiajacy przeniesienie akcji gry do Tokio. Wprowadza cztery nowe rasy/klany (Ryu, Jiangshi, Oni i Yosei), cztery nowe klasy (Robokishi, neoshinobi, mechadoshi i idol) oraz osiem nowych potworów (od otaku po wielkiego mecha)....

Neon Lights - Wysypisko neonów
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Dodatek do Neon Lights prezentujący zupełnie nowy obszar do zwiedzenia w świecie gry - wypełnione zlomem wysypisko neonów. Zawiera również opisy dwóch przeciwników, których bohaterowie będą mogli spotkać w tym miejscu - szmuglera i złodzieja cyberorganów. Świetne urozmaicenie rozgrywki, przedłużajace żywotność gry i wzbogacające ją o nowe możliwości....

Neon Lights - Yo-yo Ninja
Regular price: $1.00
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
Niewielki dodatek do Neon Lights, pozwalający na wprowadzenie do gry nowej klasy postaci - ninja walczącego zmodyfikowanym jojo. No bo dlaczego nie :D...

Total value:$11.00
Special bundle price:$1.00
Savings of:$10.00 (91%)
Price: $11.00

[M&M3e] Technological Terrors: Sabotage Incorporated

[M&M3e] Technological Terrors: Sabotage IncorporatedPublisher: Fainting Goat Games

Sabotage Incorporated is gang of super-science criminals who have risen from the meta-crime underworld and become the scourge of legitimate researchers and scientists.

Technological Terrors: Sabotage Incorporated is a collection of villains with super-science and technological backgrounds. These five villains are PL 10, allowing them to serve as enemies or rivals for any group of heroes - whether they are technologically inclined or not.

Includes a handful of adventure hooks and an accompanying map.

This book requires the Third Edition Mutants & Masterminds Heroes Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for use.

Price: $1.99

Salt in Wounds Campaign Setting Guide: 5e

Salt in Wounds Campaign Setting Guide: 5ePublisher: Pangolin Press


Salt in Wounds Campaign Setting Guide: 5th Edition


The Salt in Wounds Campaign Setting Guide has everything you need to run or explore the fabled evil mega-city built around a bound Tarrasque, who is slain and butchered everyday to feed a hungry metropolis. Containing both 5th Edition and Pathfinder rulesets, this book features:

-Descriptions of dozens of monsters and hazards including 10 unique monsters

-Pages of random encounters

-An introductory adventure

-Dozens of locations and NPCs,

and much much more.

Learn about the terrible secrets of the city, gain an understanding of the city’s myriad factions all scheming for advantage, explore the city’s history from the centuries from before the great binding to today and game in the city destined to launch a thousand adventures... because no matter what, everyone around the table is about to have a bloody good time.


Salt in Wounds is the most imaginative role-playing game setting it’s been my privilege to play in a long time. Equal parts grotesque and delightful, what J.M. Perkins has created here is masterfully realized and intriguingly believable. I highly recommend a visit to the city of Salt in Wounds -if you have a strong stomach, a love of fantastic world building, and a taste for the bizarre. In a plethora of game settings, this one stands out.

-Lou Anders, Author of the Thrones and Bones Trilogy

And check out the other Salt in Wounds supplements.

Cover of the Corruption of the Tarrasque Supplement

Corruption of the Tarrasque: Mutation Supplement

Cover of Carving up the Tarrasque Supplement

Carving Up the Tarrasque: Crafting & Alchemy

Price: $14.99

THC Stock Art: Spellcasting Lion Fu

THC Stock Art: Spellcasting Lion FuPublisher: Tortoise & Hare Creations

Stock Art by THC - the best way for publishers, game designers, and DM's to make a big impact on their players without making a big impact on your wallet! Background Art is a great way to create the scene you need, so pick this up today!

All pieces include the art as well as THC's license, allowing the purchaser to modify/alter the artwork and use it in a personal or professional project.  

Spellcasting Lion-Fu (.jpg): A long lion-dragon prepares a spell at twilight. 11x17, ink on bristol, painted in PS on a Wacom Intuos 4.  Full file is 3300x5100 pixels (11x17 at 300 resolution). 

Art by Indi Martin. Reach her for commissions at indigowarrior@gmail.com, and check out her rates here: http://indigowarrior.deviantart.com/journal/Artist-Bio-and-Rates-528468095

Thanks for taking a look, and happy hunting! 

Price: $11.95

Random Encounters Map Collection Vol 1, Issue 1 (Aug 2018) REMC001LR

Random Encounters Map Collection Vol 1, Issue 1 (Aug 2018) REMC001LRPublisher: Epic Werkes Studio

Want help finding inspiration for your next adventure? Are you a busy GM looking for a quick map? Do you want unique locations to spice up your random encounter tables? Then you’ve come to the right place! Random Encounters provides creative solutions for gamers. It specifically caters to the Old School Renaissance, but the maps, hooks, and descriptions found in this book can be used for any fantasy role playing system.

Please enjoy this offering. Have fun and, as always, GAME ON!

Price: $1.00

Random Encounters Map Collection Vol 1, Issue 2 (Sept 2018) REMC002LR

Random Encounters Map Collection Vol 1, Issue 2 (Sept 2018) REMC002LRPublisher: Epic Werkes Studio

Want help finding inspiration for your next adventure? Are you a busy GM looking for a quick map? Do you want unique locations to spice up your random encounter tables? Then you’ve come to the right place! Random Encounters provides creative solutions for gamers. It specifically caters to the Old School Renaissance, but the maps, hooks, and descriptions found in this book can be used for any fantasy role playing system.

Please enjoy this offering. Have fun and, as always, GAME ON!

Price: $1.00

Random Encounters Map Collection Vol 1, Issue 3 (Oct 2018) REMC003LR

Random Encounters Map Collection Vol 1, Issue 3 (Oct 2018) REMC003LRPublisher: Epic Werkes Studio

Want help finding inspiration for your next adventure? Are you a busy GM looking for a quick map? Do you want unique locations to spice up your random encounter tables? Then you’ve come to the right place! Random Encounters provides creative solutions for gamers. It specifically caters to the Old School Renaissance, but the maps, hooks, and descriptions found in this book can be used for any fantasy role playing system.

Please enjoy this offering. Have fun and, as always, GAME ON!

Price: $1.00

Random Encounters Map Collection Vol 1, Issue 4 (Nov 2018) REMC004LR

Random Encounters Map Collection Vol 1, Issue 4 (Nov 2018) REMC004LRPublisher: Epic Werkes Studio

Want help finding inspiration for your next adventure? Are you a busy GM looking for a quick map? Do you want unique locations to spice up your random encounter tables? Then you’ve come to the right place! Random Encounters provides creative solutions for gamers. It specifically caters to the Old School Renaissance, but the maps, hooks, and descriptions found in this book can be used for any fantasy role playing system.

Please enjoy this offering. Have fun and, as always, GAME ON!

Price: $1.00

Extreme Drowess Episode 24 - Crushing Defeat

Extreme Drowess Episode 24 - Crushing DefeatPublisher: Aegis Studios

Welcome to EPISODE 24 of EXTREME DROWESS: An All-Girl All-Drow Adventure Through the Underdark for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition!

IN THIS EPISODE: Exploring the lair of the Morkoth, the ladies find themselves on the business end of a terrible trap! Are the risks worth the reward?

You can now get EXTREME DROWESS as a podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Anchor, and everywhere you download quality podcasts!

VictoriBelle as Akroma Oros, Dragon-Blooded Sorcerer
Milena Deneno as Liahana Yaeldrin, Nature domain Cleric of Eilistraee
Rachel Judd as Rauvaena Dyrr, Paladin of Lolth
Rosa Lita as Roja the Destroyer
Sarah Scharnweber as Xilmys Netyoive

Dungeon Master: Travis Legge

Monday December 17th at 2PM CST we return to Scarn for Scarred Lands: Myths and Matchmakers!

EXTREME DROWESS returns THURSDAY, December 27th at 8 PM CST! There will be a special treat for this this special time! DON'T MISS IT!

Committed to Darkness: https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/259144/Committed-to-Darkness


Halastar's Hoard https://www.dmsguild.com/product/261272/Halasters-Hoard

The Mad Mage of Xen'drik (Eberron) https://www.dmsguild.com/product/260992/The-Mad-Mage-of-XenDrik

Off to a Weird Start (Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica) https://www.dmsguild.com/product/259825/Off-to-a-Weird-Start

Chronicles of Darkness (Various) https://www.storytellersvault.com/browse.php?keywords=Travis+Legge&filters=0_45760_0_0_0_0&x=20&y=19&author=&artist=&pfrom=&pto=

Join us LIVE on Twitch every other Wednesday at 8 PM CST!

This episode is set as Pay What You Want. If you like what you hear, and would like to help us make more of these, please consider dropping a few coins (or dollars) into purchasing this episode. You can also support future episodes of this show while getting sneak peeks and other perks by supporting Travis Legge on Patreon!

Price: $0.00

Starship Wide Bunk Cabin

Starship Wide Bunk CabinPublisher: 2nd Dynasty

Expand your Starship deck plans with these wide bunk cabin tiles suitable for use with 28-32mm miniatures. Compatible with other 2nd Dynasty tiles or any other OpenLOCK-compatible tiles.

Compatible with the OpenLOCK system created by and available at Printable Scenery. Important! You will need the basic OpenLOCK templates to print clips to connect these products, available free from Printable Scenery.

Please note that these are STL files only! You will need a 3D printer or print service in order to print the parts. The parts have been designed with FDM printers in mind at 100-200 microns using PLA or ABS plastic, although you will achieve better results with SLA/DLP printers (resin) or higher resolution FDM prints. You may need to rotate objects for optimal printing or add supports, particularly for overhanging areas, such as the top of door frames.

Parts are designed in 28-30mm scale (1" squares), but can be rescaled easily in your 3D printing software package.

This package includes:

  • Wide Bunk Cabin (3x2)
  • Door

OpenLOCK license

Price: $2.99

Starship Wide Double Cabin

Starship Wide Double CabinPublisher: 2nd Dynasty

Expand your Starship deck plans with these wide double cabin tiles suitable for use with 28-32mm miniatures. Compatible with other 2nd Dynasty tiles or any other OpenLOCK-compatible tiles.

Compatible with the OpenLOCK system created by and available at Printable Scenery. Important! You will need the basic OpenLOCK templates to print clips to connect these products, available free from Printable Scenery.

Please note that these are STL files only! You will need a 3D printer or print service in order to print the parts. The parts have been designed with FDM printers in mind at 100-200 microns using PLA or ABS plastic, although you will achieve better results with SLA/DLP printers (resin) or higher resolution FDM prints. You may need to rotate objects for optimal printing or add supports, particularly for overhanging areas, such as the top of door frames.

Parts are designed in 28-30mm scale (1" squares), but can be rescaled easily in your 3D printing software package.

This package includes:

  • Wide Double Cabin (3x2)
  • Door

OpenLOCK license

Price: $2.99

Starship Wide Single Cabin

Starship Wide Single CabinPublisher: 2nd Dynasty

Expand your Starship deck plans with these wide single cabin tiles suitable for use with 28-32mm miniatures. Compatible with other 2nd Dynasty tiles or any other OpenLOCK-compatible tiles.

Compatible with the OpenLOCK system created by and available at Printable Scenery. Important! You will need the basic OpenLOCK templates to print clips to connect these products, available free from Printable Scenery.

Please note that these are STL files only! You will need a 3D printer or print service in order to print the parts. The parts have been designed with FDM printers in mind at 100-200 microns using PLA or ABS plastic, although you will achieve better results with SLA/DLP printers (resin) or higher resolution FDM prints. You may need to rotate objects for optimal printing or add supports, particularly for overhanging areas, such as the top of door frames.

Parts are designed in 28-30mm scale (1" squares), but can be rescaled easily in your 3D printing software package.

This package includes:

  • Wide Single Cabin (3x2)
  • Door

OpenLOCK license

Price: $2.99

Starship Wide Cabin Pack

Starship Wide Cabin PackPublisher: 2nd Dynasty

Expand your Starship deck plans with these wide cabin pack tiles suitable for use with 28-32mm miniatures. Compatible with other 2nd Dynasty tiles or any other OpenLOCK-compatible tiles.

Compatible with the OpenLOCK system created by and available at Printable Scenery. Important! You will need the basic OpenLOCK templates to print clips to connect these products, available free from Printable Scenery.

Please note that these are STL files only! You will need a 3D printer or print service in order to print the parts. The parts have been designed with FDM printers in mind at 100-200 microns using PLA or ABS plastic, although you will achieve better results with SLA/DLP printers (resin) or higher resolution FDM prints. You may need to rotate objects for optimal printing or add supports, particularly for overhanging areas, such as the top of door frames.

Parts are designed in 28-30mm scale (1" squares), but can be rescaled easily in your 3D printing software package.

This package includes:

  • Wide Bunk Cabin (3x2)
  • Wide Single Cabin (3x2)
  • Wide Double Cabin (3x2)
  • Door

OpenLOCK license

Price: $7.99

Starship Narrow Double Cabin

Starship Narrow Double CabinPublisher: 2nd Dynasty

Expand your Starship deck plans with these narrow double cabin tiles suitable for use with 28-32mm miniatures. Compatible with other 2nd Dynasty tiles or any other OpenLOCK-compatible tiles.

Compatible with the OpenLOCK system created by and available at Printable Scenery. Important! You will need the basic OpenLOCK templates to print clips to connect these products, available free from Printable Scenery.

Please note that these are STL files only! You will need a 3D printer or print service in order to print the parts. The parts have been designed with FDM printers in mind at 100-200 microns using PLA or ABS plastic, although you will achieve better results with SLA/DLP printers (resin) or higher resolution FDM prints. You may need to rotate objects for optimal printing or add supports, particularly for overhanging areas, such as the top of door frames.

Parts are designed in 28-30mm scale (1" squares), but can be rescaled easily in your 3D printing software package.

This package includes:

  • Narrow Double Cabin (2x3)
  • Door

OpenLOCK license

Price: $2.99

Starship Narrow Single Cabin

Starship Narrow Single CabinPublisher: 2nd Dynasty

Expand your Starship deck plans with these narrow single cabin tiles suitable for use with 28-32mm miniatures. Compatible with other 2nd Dynasty tiles or any other OpenLOCK-compatible tiles.

Compatible with the OpenLOCK system created by and available at Printable Scenery. Important! You will need the basic OpenLOCK templates to print clips to connect these products, available free from Printable Scenery.

Please note that these are STL files only! You will need a 3D printer or print service in order to print the parts. The parts have been designed with FDM printers in mind at 100-200 microns using PLA or ABS plastic, although you will achieve better results with SLA/DLP printers (resin) or higher resolution FDM prints. You may need to rotate objects for optimal printing or add supports, particularly for overhanging areas, such as the top of door frames.

Parts are designed in 28-30mm scale (1" squares), but can be rescaled easily in your 3D printing software package.

This package includes:

  • Narrow Single Cabin (2x3)
  • Door

OpenLOCK license

Price: $2.99

Starship Narrow Cabin Pack

Starship Narrow Cabin PackPublisher: 2nd Dynasty

Expand your Starship deck plans with these narrow cabin pack tiles suitable for use with 28-32mm miniatures. Compatible with other 2nd Dynasty tiles or any other OpenLOCK-compatible tiles.

Compatible with the OpenLOCK system created by and available at Printable Scenery. Important! You will need the basic OpenLOCK templates to print clips to connect these products, available free from Printable Scenery.

Please note that these are STL files only! You will need a 3D printer or print service in order to print the parts. The parts have been designed with FDM printers in mind at 100-200 microns using PLA or ABS plastic, although you will achieve better results with SLA/DLP printers (resin) or higher resolution FDM prints. You may need to rotate objects for optimal printing or add supports, particularly for overhanging areas, such as the top of door frames.

Parts are designed in 28-30mm scale (1" squares), but can be rescaled easily in your 3D printing software package.

This package includes:

  • Narrow Single Cabin (2x3)
  • Narrow Bunk Cabin (2x3)
  • Narrow Double Cabin (2x3)
  • Door

OpenLOCK license

Price: $7.99

Starship Cabin Collection Pack

Starship Cabin Collection PackPublisher: 2nd Dynasty

Expand your Starship deck plans with these cabin collection pack tiles suitable for use with 28-32mm miniatures. Compatible with other 2nd Dynasty tiles or any other OpenLOCK-compatible tiles.

Compatible with the OpenLOCK system created by and available at Printable Scenery. Important! You will need the basic OpenLOCK templates to print clips to connect these products, available free from Printable Scenery.

Please note that these are STL files only! You will need a 3D printer or print service in order to print the parts. The parts have been designed with FDM printers in mind at 100-200 microns using PLA or ABS plastic, although you will achieve better results with SLA/DLP printers (resin) or higher resolution FDM prints. You may need to rotate objects for optimal printing or add supports, particularly for overhanging areas, such as the top of door frames.

Parts are designed in 28-30mm scale (1" squares), but can be rescaled easily in your 3D printing software package.

This package includes:

  • Wide Bunk Cabin (3x2)
  • Narrow Bunk Cabin (2x3)
  • Wide Double Cabin (3x2)
  • Narrow Double Cabin (2x3)
  • Wide Single Cabin (3x2)
  • Narrow Single Cabin (2x3)
  • Door

OpenLOCK license

Price: $9.99

Starship Door Expansion

Starship Door ExpansionPublisher: 2nd Dynasty

Expand your Starship deck plans with these door expansion tiles suitable for use with 28-32mm miniatures. Compatible with other 2nd Dynasty tiles or any other OpenLOCK-compatible tiles.

Compatible with the OpenLOCK system created by and available at Printable Scenery. Important! You will need the basic OpenLOCK templates to print clips to connect these products, available free from Printable Scenery.

Please note that these are STL files only! You will need a 3D printer or print service in order to print the parts. The parts have been designed with FDM printers in mind at 100-200 microns using PLA or ABS plastic, although you will achieve better results with SLA/DLP printers (resin) or higher resolution FDM prints. You may need to rotate objects for optimal printing or add supports, particularly for overhanging areas, such as the top of door frames.

Parts are designed in 28-30mm scale (1" squares), but can be rescaled easily in your 3D printing software package.

This package includes:

  • Regular Doorway (DS)
  • Doorway (IA)
  • Regular Door
  • Wide Doorway (DS)
  • Wide Door

OpenLOCK license

Price: $3.99

Starship Narrow Bunk Cabin

Starship Narrow Bunk CabinPublisher: 2nd Dynasty

Expand your Starship deck plans with these narrow bunk cabin tiles suitable for use with 28-32mm miniatures. Compatible with other 2nd Dynasty tiles or any other OpenLOCK-compatible tiles.

Compatible with the OpenLOCK system created by and available at Printable Scenery. Important! You will need the basic OpenLOCK templates to print clips to connect these products, available free from Printable Scenery.

Please note that these are STL files only! You will need a 3D printer or print service in order to print the parts. The parts have been designed with FDM printers in mind at 100-200 microns using PLA or ABS plastic, although you will achieve better results with SLA/DLP printers (resin) or higher resolution FDM prints. You may need to rotate objects for optimal printing or add supports, particularly for overhanging areas, such as the top of door frames.

Parts are designed in 28-30mm scale (1" squares), but can be rescaled easily in your 3D printing software package.

This package includes:

  • Narrow Bunk Cabin (2x3)
  • Door

OpenLOCK license

Price: $2.99

Worldbuilding Power: Underground

Worldbuilding Power: UndergroundPublisher: Dancing Lights Press

Use Underground Realms in Character Development, Adventure Design, and Worldbuilding

The concept of an underground world comes straight out of the classic hero’s journey. The hero leaves home, descends into the underworld to be tested, and returns a changed person. It’s the part of the story where the challenges are faced, the glory is earned, and the treasures are acquired. Other mythologies portray realms under the earth to be the land of the dead, where souls go after a person dies. A lot of folklore, and quite a bit of fantasy fiction, depicts underground as the place where evil dwells.

For characters, underground realms are places of legend. Any adventurer worth their salt has descended into the earth to battle all manner of bizarre and terrifying creatures. There are stories of entire civilizations that have fled the light to dwell in darkness, carrying with them an abiding hatred of the surface world that shunned them. Parents frighten their children with tales of the monsters that come up from the deepest caverns, simply to eat naughty boys and girls who don’t finish their porridge.

Antagonists will find the underground to be a place of sanctuary and power. There will be allies there possessed of the same loose morals and twisted ethics. It may be that the underworld is their home, their point of origin, providing a metaphorical if simple explanation for their distorted views and baser desires.

Among common folk, the underworld will represent the unknown. As a place few have ventured, it will be a source of folklore, fear, and superstition. While there may be truth to what passes for common knowledge, it will likely be greatly distorted. The popular version of underground realms, for surface dwellers, will be rooted more in theme and motif than fact.

In this book, we’ll show you how to utilize the underground in your worldbuilding endeavors. You’ll see how it can influence character, setting, and story elements. By the end, you’ll understand how to better utilize underground realms as essential, useful, and entertaining parts of your campaign.

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